
A basic API controller set for laravel

api, library, upload, images, files, laravel, fractal



Use the

php artisan vendor:publish

command to publish the NetworkController configuration.

  • All controllers should extend it.
  • For example, if we need to link the EmployeeController, with the \api\employee endpoint, add the following entry in the api.php in the \routes folder:
    Route::resource('employee', EmployeeController::class);


  • Abstract class, cannot be used standalone
  • All models should extend it
  • All models need to be placed in the \App\Http\Models\ folder
  • Ideally, one model should have one controller, which extends NetworkController


  • Abstract class, cannot be used standalone
  • Provides basic user account functionality
  • It MUST be extended by a model called User, placed in the \App\Http\Models\ folder

FileUploadController and ImageUploadController

Add the following code in the api.php in the \routes folder:

    use Nevestul4o\NetworkController\Controllers\ImagesController;
    use Nevestul4o\NetworkController\Controllers\UploadController;

    Route::get('images/{width}/{name}', [ImagesController::class, 'getImage'])->name('get-image');
    Route::post('upload', [UploadController::class, 'uploadSubmit']);

Add the following configuration to the .env file:


There is a command that allows to remove all resized images:

php artisan network-controller:images-clear-cache

LoginController and ChangePasswordController

  • Pre-made controller classes, providing basic functionality for login/logout and password changes
  • They require a Model, called User, placed in the \App\Http\Models\ folder, extending BaseUser
  • Change the namespace of the user provider in auth.php to \App\Http\Models\User
  • They require a Transformer, called UserTransformer, placed in the App\Http\Models\Transformers\ folder
  • Functions can be freely overridden
  • Can be used by defining these routes in the api.php:
    use Nevestul4o\NetworkController\Controllers\Auth\LoginController;
    use Nevestul4o\NetworkController\Controllers\Auth\ChangePasswordController;
    Route::post('login', [LoginController::class, 'login'])->name('login');
    Route::get('login', [LoginController::class, 'login'])->name('getCurrentUser');
    Route::post('logout', [LoginController::class, 'logout'])->name('logout');
    Route::post('change-password', [ChangePasswordController::class, 'changePassword'])->name('changePassword');
    Route::post('change-password-forced', [ChangePasswordController::class, 'changePasswordForced'])->name('changePasswordForced');
  • WARNING - the function changePasswordForced in ChangePasswordController is NOT secured! It can change the password of the user, without his current password. Take care te secure it manually, when defining the API route, or override it!