
Color Tools for Laravel

image, colors, laravel, Thumbnails, palette, histogram, colorTools, laravel images, laravel thumbnails


Welcome to ColorTools!


  1. Intro
  2. Classes, methods and examples

1. Intro

How to install?

  • composer require nmirceac/color-tools
  • add \ColorTools\ColorToolsServiceProvider::class to your config/app.php's service providers section
  • php artisan vendor:publish
  • php artisan migrate
  • check config/colortools.php (just in case)
  • php artisan colortools:setup
  • extend \ColorTools\ImageStore as an app model (see example below)
  • add the \ColorTools\HasImages
  • check the examples below
  • enjoy!


\App\ImageStore example

    <?php namespace App;
    class ImageStore extends \ColorTools\ImageStore {
        protected $appends = ['basename', 'details', 'thumbnail'];
        public function user()
            return $this->morphedByMany(User::class,
        public function getThumbnailAttribute()
            return $this->getUrl(function(\ColorTools\Image $image) {
                $image->fit(450, 450);
        public function fit($width, $height)
            return $this->getUrl(function(\ColorTools\Image $image) use ($width, $height) {
                $image->fit($width, $height);

Associated Model example

    namespace App;
    use App\Jobs\SendResetPasswordEmail;
    use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
    use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;
    use ColorTools\HasImages;
    class User extends Authenticatable
        use SoftDeletes;
        use Notifiable;
        use HasImages;
        protected $appends = ['image', 'details'];
	    public function image()
	        return $this->images()->first();

	    public function getImageAttribute()
	        return $this->image();

Upload Controller Method

    public function upload()  
      if(!request()->hasFile('image')) {  
	      return response()->json([  
		      'error' => 'Missing image file'  
      $image = \App\ImageStore::createFromRequest(request(), 'image');  
      $data = json_decode(request('data'), true);  
      if(isset($data['model']) and isset($data['id'])) {  
	      $model = '\\App\\'.$data['model'];  
	      $model = $model::find($data['id']);  
      if(isset($model) and $model) {  
      return response()->json(['image'=>$image]);  

2. Classes, methods and examples


Color::class - How to instantiate

    // hex
    Color::create("\n #\t 123456 \r".PHP_EOL);
    // name
    Color::create('Ball blue');

    // rgb
    Color::create('127, 128, 129');
    Color::create(55, 77, 99);
    Color::create('255, 255, 255;');
    Color::create(['red'=>1, 'green'=>2, 'blue'=>3]);
    Color::create(['red'=>1, 'green'=>2, 'blue'=>3, 'alpha'=>0.5]);
    Color::create(['r'=>1, 'g'=>2, 'b'=>3]);
    Color::create(['r'=>1, 'g'=>2, 'b'=>3, 'a'=>0.5]);
    Color::create([1, 2, 3]);
    Color::create([1, 2, 3, 0.5]);
    Color::create('1, 2, 3');
    Color::create('rgb(1, 2, 3)');
    Color::create('rgb (1,  2 ,    3)');
    Color::create('rgba (1,  2 ,    3)');
    Color::create('rgba (1,  2 ,    3, 0.5)');
    Color::create()->setRgb(1, 2, 3);
    // hsl
    Color::create('hsl(180, 50, 50)');
    Color::create('hsla(180, 50, 50, 50)');
    Color::create('hsl(180, 50%, 50%)');
    Color::create('hsl(180, 0.5, 0.5)');
    Color::create()->setHsl(180, 50, 50);
    // hsv
    Color::create('hsv(180, 50, 50)');
    Color::create('hsva(180, 50, 50, 50)');
    Color::create('hsv(180, 50%, 50%)');
    Color::create('hsv(180, 0.5, 0.5)');
    Color::create()->setHsv(180, 50, 50);
    Color::create('cmyk(0, 0.6, 1, 0)');
    Color::create('cmyk(0%, 60%, 100%, 0%)');
    Color::create('cmyk(0, 0.60, 100%, 0)');
    Color::create()->setCmyk(0, 0.60, 1, 0);
    // other color
    $color = Color::create('#123456');

Color::class - getters and such

    $color = Color::create('#123456');
    // find similar
    $similarColor = $color->findSimilar(Color::COMPARE_FAST);
    $similarColor2 = $color->findSimilar(Color::COMPARE_NORMAL);
    $similarColor3 = $color->findSimilar(Color::COMPARE_GREAT);
    // all colors
    // css colors
    // name
    // full name
    // custom property
    $color->smell = 'sweet';
    echo $color->smell; // sweet
    // hex
    // safe
    // rgb
    // grayscale
    // luma
    // hsl
    // hsv
    // cmyk
    // integer

Color::class - setters and modifiers

    $color = Color::create('#123456');
    // modifiy rgb
    $color->red = 55;
    $color->r = 128;
    $color->green = 55;
    $color->g = 128;
    $color->blue = 55;
    $color->b = 128;
    $color->setRgb(15, 25, 35);
    // invert
    echo Color::create('white')->invert()->name; // black 
    // complement
    echo Color::create('red')->complement()->name; // aqua
    // triad
    // tetrad
    // mixing
    echo Color::create('white')->mix('red', 50)->name; // salmon
    echo Color::create('white')->mix('red', 0.5)->name; // salmon
    echo Color::create('white')->mix('red', 100)->name; // red
    $black = Color::create('black');
    echo Color::create('white')->mix($black, 50)->hex; // #808080
    // tinting
    echo Color::create('blue')->tint(100)->name; // white
    // shading
    echo Color::create('blue')->shade(100)->name; // black
    // grayscaling
    echo Color::create('blue')->grayscale()->name; // gray
    // spinning
    $color = Color::create('red');
    echo $color->name; // red
    $color -> spin(120);
    echo $color->name; // lime
    $color -> spin(-240);
    echo $color->name; // blue
    $color -> spin(120);
    echo $color->name; // red
    $color -> spin(420);
    echo $color->name; // yellow
    $color -> spin(120);
    echo $color->name; // aqua
    $color -> spin(120);
    echo $color->name; // fuchsia
    echo $color->getHsl()['hue'] // 300;
    // saturate / desaturate
    $color -> saturate(10);
    $color -> saturate(0.2);
    $color -> saturate(-0.2);
    $color -> desaturate(10);
    // lighten / darken
    $color -> lighten(10);
    $color -> lighten(0.2);
    $color -> lighten(-0.2);
    $color -> darken(10);
    // mutiply - http://lesscss.org/functions/#color-blending-multiply
    echo Color::create('#ff6600')->multiply('#000000')->hex; // #000000
    echo Color::create('#ff6600')->multiply('#333333')->hex; // #331400
    echo Color::create('#ff6600')->multiply('#00ff00')->hex; // #006600
    // screen - http://lesscss.org/functions/#color-blending-screen
    echo Color::create('#ff6600')->screen('#000000')->hex; // #ff6600
    echo Color::create('#ff6600')->screen('#333333')->hex; // #ff8533
    echo Color::create('#ff6600')->screen('#00ff00')->hex; // #ffff00
    // soft light - http://lesscss.org/functions/#color-blending-softlight

    echo Color::create('#ff6600')->softlight('#000000')->hex; // #ff2900
    echo Color::create('#ff6600')->softlight('#333333')->hex; // #ff4100
    echo Color::create('#ff6600')->softlight('#666666')->hex; // #ff5a00
    // hard light - http://lesscss.org/functions/#color-blending-hardlight

    echo Color::create('#ff6600')->hardlight('#000000')->hex; // #000000;
    echo Color::create('#ff6600')->hardlight('#333333')->hex; // #662900;
    echo Color::create('#ff6600')->hardlight('#666666')->hex; // #cc5200;

    // difference - http://lesscss.org/functions/#color-blending-difference
    echo Color::create('#ff6600')->difference('#000000')->hex; // #ff6600
    echo Color::create('#ff6600')->difference('#333333')->hex; // #cc3333
    echo Color::create('#ff6600')->difference('#666666')->hex; // #990066
    // exclusion - http://lesscss.org/functions/#color-blending-exclusion
    echo Color::create('#ff6600')->exclusion('#000000')->hex; // #ff6600
    echo Color::create('#ff6600')->exclusion('#333333')->hex; // #cc7033
    echo Color::create('#ff6600')->exclusion('#666666')->hex; // #997a66
    // average - http://lesscss.org/functions/#color-blending-average
    echo Color::create('#ff6600')->average('#000000')->hex; // #803300
    echo Color::create('#ff6600')->average('#333333')->hex; // #994d1a
    echo Color::create('#ff6600')->average('#666666')->hex; // #b36633
    // negation - http://lesscss.org/functions/#color-blending-negation
    echo Color::create('#ff6600')->negate('#000000')->hex; // #ff6600
    echo Color::create('#ff6600')->negate('#333333')->hex; // #cc9933
    echo Color::create('#ff6600')->negate('#666666')->hex; // #99cc66
    // contrast
    echo Color::create('white')->findConstrast()->name; //  black
    echo Color::create('black')->findConstrast()->name; //  white
    echo Color::create('brown')->findConstrast()->name; //  white
    echo Color::create('pink')->findConstrast()->name; //   black


Image::class - How to instantiate

    // create from file path
    // create from string
    // create from URL
    // create from GD
    $gdResource = imagecreatefromgif('pathTo.gif');
    // create from Imagick
    $imagickResource = new Imagick('pathTo.jpg');

    // image modifiers
    \ColorTools\Image $image = Image::create('pathTo.jpg');

    // fit
    $cropAnchor = \ColorTools\Image::CROP_ANCHOR_CENTER;
    // possible other crop values
    // \ColorTools\Image::CROP_ANCHOR_LEFT, \ColorTools\Image::CROP_ANCHOR_RIGHT
    // \ColorTools\Image::CROP_ANCHOR_TOP, \ColorTools\Image::CROP_ANCHOR_BOTTOM

    // resizing and cropping the image to fit in a box defined by specified width and height
    $image->fit(1280, 720, $cropAnchor);

    // resizing and covering the specified width and height
    $image->resizeCover(1280, 720);

    // resizing while being container within the specified width and height
    $image->resizeContain(1280, 720);

    // resizing specifing the width

    // resizing specifing the height

     // resizing while containing within the desired width - won't upscale smaller images

    // resizing while containing within the desired height - won't upscale smaller images

    // cropping
    $image->doCrop(1280, 720, $cropAnchor);

    // rotate
    $image->doRotate(90); // degrees
    // filter

    $filter = \ColorTools\Image::FILTER_SEPIA;
    $filterParameters = [2];

    $image->applyFilter($filter, $filterParameters);

    $filter = \ColorTools\Image::FILTER_ENHANCE;

    $filter = \ColorTools\Image::FILTER_MOTION_BLUR;
    $filterParameters = [0.5, 0.5, 2];
    $image->applyFilter($filter, $filterParameters);

    // supported filter list


ImageStore::class - How to instantiate

    // create from file path

    // create from Laravel request and the file key
    ImageStore::createFromRequest(request(), 'image'); 

    // get by id
    $image = ImageStore::find(3);

    // publish image
    $image = ImageStore::find(3);
    $image->modifyImagePublish(function(\ColorTools\Image $img) {
        $img->fit(1280, 720);
        $img->applyFilter(\ColorTools\Image::FILTER_BLUR, [1, 2]);

    // conditional resizing
    $image = ImageStore::find(3);
    $image->modifyImagePublish(function(\ColorTools\Image $img) {
        if($img->width > $img->height) { // landscape
            $img->fit(1280, 720);
        } else {
            $img->fit(720, 1280);

    // publish image with specified format
    $image = ImageStore::find(3);
    $image->modifyImagePublish(function(\ColorTools\Image $img) {
        $img->fit(1280, 720);
    }, 'png');
    // by default the format is auto which defaults to 'webp' if supported
    // by the client or the original format of the source image

    // get histogram data
    $image = ImageStore::find(3);

    // get histogram image
    $image = ImageStore::find(3);
    // return a base64 encoded svg    

    $image->getHistogramSrc('c'); // color
    $image->getHistogramSrc('r'); // red
    $image->getHistogramSrc('g'); // green
    $image->getHistogramSrc('b'); // blue

    // get used colors
    $image = ImageStore::find(3);

    return object where the key is the hex code and the value is the coverage percentage
        {#458 ▼
          +"#919191": 27.16
          +"#ffffff": 23.37
          +"#663399": 14.69
          +"#000000": 9.59
          +"#ffff91": 7.77
          +"#ff9191": 6.43