
User authorisation features for the OpenEuropa project.



OpenEuropa Authorization

The OpenEuropa Authorization module offers default features related to user authorization for the OpenEuropa project.

Table of contents:


The recommended way of installing the OpenEuropa Authorization module is via a Composer-based workflow.

In your Drupal project's main composer.json add the following dependency:

    "require": {
        "openeuropa/oe_authorization": "dev-master"

And run:

$ composer update

Enable the module

In order to enable the module in your project run:

$ ./vendor/bin/drush en oe_authorization


The OpenEuropa Authorization project contains all the necessary code and tools for an effective development process, such as:

  • All PHP development dependencies (Drupal core included) are required by composer.json
  • Project setup and installation can be easily handled thanks to the integration with the Task Runner project.
  • All system requirements are containerized using Docker Composer

Project setup

Download all required PHP code by running:

$ composer install

This will build a fully functional Drupal test site in the ./build directory that can be used to develop and showcase the module's functionality.

Before setting up and installing the site make sure to customize default configuration values by copying runner.yml.dist to ./runner.yml and overriding relevant properties.

To set up the project run:

$ ./vendor/bin/run drupal:site-setup

This will:

  • Symlink the module in ./build/modules/custom/oe_authorization so that it's available for the test site
  • Setup Drush and Drupal's settings using values from ./runner.yml.dist
  • Setup PHPUnit and Behat configuration files using values from ./runner.yml.dist

After a successful setup install the site by running:

$ ./vendor/bin/run drupal:site-install

This will:

  • Install the test site
  • Enable the OpenEuropa Authorization module

Using Docker Compose

The setup procedure described above can be sensitively simplified by using Docker Compose.



$ docker-compose up -d


$ docker-compose exec web composer install
$ docker-compose exec web ./vendor/bin/run drupal:site-install

Your test site will be available at http://localhost:8080/build.

Run tests as follows:

$ docker-compose exec web ./vendor/bin/phpunit
$ docker-compose exec web ./vendor/bin/behat

Disable Drupal 8 caching

Manually disabling Drupal 8 caching is a laborious process that is well described here.

Alternatively you can use the following Drupal Console commands to disable/enable Drupal 8 caching:

$ ./vendor/bin/drupal site:mode dev  # Disable all caches.
$ ./vendor/bin/drupal site:mode prod # Enable all caches.

Note: to fully disable Twig caching the following additional manual steps are required:

  1. Open ./build/sites/default/services.yml
  2. Set cache: false in twig.config: property. E.g.:
   cache: false
  1. Rebuild Drupal cache: ./vendor/bin/drush cr

This is due to the following Drupal Console issue.