
Wrapper library for managing PHPTAL environment. Also supports HTML Tidy formatting.

templating, phptal, TAL



Wrapper library for managing PHPTAL environment. Also supports HTML Tidy formatting.


use \LSS\Config;
use \LSS\Tpl;

//init templating system
$theme = (Config::get('theme','name') ? Config::get('theme','name') : 'default');
     'lss_version'      =>  LSS_VERSION
    ,'version'          =>  VERSION
    ,'site_name'        =>  Config::get('site_name')
    ,'site_title'       =>  Config::get('site_name')
    ,'uri'              =>  Config::get('url','uri')
    ,'url'              =>  Config::get('url','url')
    ,'theme_path'       =>  Tpl::_get()->uri
    ,'copyright'        =>  '© '.date('Y').' '.Config::get('site_name')

$params = array();

//parse template and return
$params['html'] = Tpl::_get()->output('client_file_manage',$params,false);

//parse template and output


(object) Tpl::_get()

Returns the singleton (creates it if it doesnt exist)

(object) Tpl::setPath($value)

Sets the path to the template files

(object) Tpl::setUri($value)

Sets the URI that should be used when parsing templates

(string) Tpl::addCss($file,$media='screen')

Adds a CSS file entry that gets output to the HEAD section of the body

(bool) Tpl::resetCss()

Clears the CSS buffer

(string) Tpl::addJs($file)

Adds a Javascript file load that will be output to the HEAD section of the body

(bool) Tpl::resetJs()

Clears the JS buffer

(bool) Tpl::set($name,$value=null,$overwrite=true)

Sets a constant that can be used globally in the templates

  • $name The name of the constant
  • $value The constant value
  • $overwrite When set to FALSE will not overwrite existing constant Returns FALSE if unable to write constant

(bool) Tpl::get($name)

Get a constant by name If $name is NULL returns entire constant tree Returns NULL if no constant exists

(string) Tpl::add($html)

Add raw data to the template body

(object) Tpl::reset()

Resets the body buffer

(object) Tpl::setStub($name,$value=true)

Enables stubs that are loaded conditionally

(object) Tpl::addDebug($value)

Adds debug output to but printed with the template (allows debug data to be formatted more readible)

(string) Tpl::debug()

Returns buffered debug data ready for templating

(string) Tpl::stats()

Collects various stats from script execution The return value is ready for templating

(mixed) Tpl::output($tpl,$params=array(),$echo=true)

Output Function

  • This is the main output handler that calls into PHPTAL
  • It will render the specified template file and add the passed tags to the environment
  • It also sets up the global environment for page parsing
  • NOTE: there should only be one call to this per page unless in extreme circumstances
    • file the template file to be parsed
    • tags array of variables to be added to env
    • echo when true the tpl system will output directly to the browser and exit