
Accept payment on your Magento2 website with PAYSBUY

payment, magento, creditcard, paysbuy, debitcard, credit-card, ecommerce, magento2, plugin


PAYSBUY extension for Magento eCommerce v2

Magento Version Compatibility

  • Magento (CE) 2.0.x - 2.1.x
  • PHP 5.5.22 or above


  • None


By far the easiest way to install the extension is via composer. Simply add the following line to the main composer.json file in the Magento folder:

"require": {
  "paysbuy/module-magento2-gateway": "@stable"

Once this is done, simply run composer update, and the module should be automatically installed. If you are installing the module to an existing Magento installation, you will probably need to run the following commands after running composer:

php bin/magento module:enable Paysbuy_PsbGateway
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile

Alternatively, you may use the "File Transfer" method detailed here.

When you have installed the module, go to the store's configuration page and locate the payment methods configuration - here you can set up the plugin ready to start accepting payments via the PAYSBUY gateway.