
Hello is a boilerplate for BYUS apps. Developed with some users CRUD features, basic configurations and initial routes.

package, Simple, laravel, world, hello, first



Hello is a package developed to serve as startup template in Hive App and other projects built by BYUS Technology. Hello has an built-in controller to manage their users, permissions and roles (borrowed by Entrust) and offers a lot of features to start building a new project with BYUS standards.

This package is developed for Laravel (version 5.4 or better)


The Hello can be installed in some easy steps. First we need to include the package in your Laravel application, using the Composer:

composer require pedroroccon/hello

You can use the Hello's Boilerplate self-install. Make sure that you already configured the database files and then execute the following command.

php artisan hello:install

The command above will run the migrations, seeds and publish the assets.

Manual installation (not needed if you run the hello:install)

If you wish you can finish the installation manually.

To publish the authentications views (required), assets (required), configs (optional) and language packs (optional. Don't forget to change the locale in config/app.php) using the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=hello-auth
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=hello-asset
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=hello-views
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=hello-config
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=hello-lang

You'll need to run the artisan migrate command to create the users table and the new user's table fields created by Hello Boilerplate.

php artisan migrate

Optionally you can populate the database with some Hello's Boilerplate default users, roles and permissions, using the commands below.

php artisan db:seed --class="\Pedroroccon\Hello\Seeders\UsersTableSeeder"
php artisan db:seed --class="\Pedroroccon\Hello\Seeders\RolesAndPermissionsTableSeeder"

All set! You're ready to use the Hello Boilerplate.

Logging requests

The Hello Boilerplate comes with a middleware that can log all the requests made in the application. This can decrease the performance, but is good for debug. To enable, add the HelloLogMiddleware to your Laravel Kernel (app/Http/Kernel.php), inside the 'middleware' attribute.


Known issues

Accessing the /home route are causing an infinite redirect loop.