
Pop Log Component for Pop PHP Framework

log, logging, php, pop, pop php



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pop-log is a logging component that provides a way of logging events following the standard BSD syslog protocol outlined in RFC-3164. Support is built-in for writing log messages to a file or database table or deploying them via email. The eight available log message severity values are:

  • EMERG (0)
  • ALERT (1)
  • CRIT (2)
  • ERR (3)
  • WARN (4)
  • NOTICE (5)
  • INFO (6)
  • DEBUG (7)

and are available via their respective methods:

  • $log->emergency($message);
  • $log->alert($message);
  • $log->critical($message);
  • $log->error($message);
  • $log->warning($message);
  • $log->notice($message);
  • $log->info($message);
  • $log->debug($message);

pop-log is a component of the Pop PHP Framework.


Install pop-log using Composer.

composer require popphp/pop-log

Or, require it in your composer.json file

"require": {
    "popphp/pop-log" : "^4.0.0"


Using a Log File

Setting up and using a log file is pretty simple. Plain text is the default, but there is also support for CSV, TSV and XML formats:

use Pop\Log\Logger;
use Pop\Log\Writer;

$log = new Logger(new Writer\File(__DIR__ . '/logs/app.log'));

$log->info('Just a info message.');
$log->alert('Look Out! Something serious happened!');

Then, your 'app.log' file will contain:

2015-07-11 12:32:32    6    INFO    Just a info message.
2015-07-11 12:32:33    1    ALERT   Look Out! Something serious happened!

Using Email

Here's an example using email, which requires you to install popphp/pop-mail:

use Pop\Log\Logger;
use Pop\Log\Writer;
use Pop\Mail;

$mailer = new Mail\Mailer(new Mail\Transport\Sendmail());
$log    = new Logger(new Writer\Mail($mailer, [
    'sysadmin@mydomain.com', 'logs@mydomain.com'

$log->info('Just a info message.');
$log->alert('Look Out! Something serious happened!');

Then the emails listed above will receive a series of emails like this:

Subject: Log Entry: INFO (6)
2015-07-11 12:32:32    6    INFO    Just a info message.


Subject: Log Entry: ALERT (1)
2015-07-11 12:32:33    1    ALERT   Look Out! Something serious happened!

Using an HTTP Service

Here's an example using an HTTP service:

use Pop\Log\Logger;
use Pop\Log\Writer;
use Pop\Http\Client;

$stream = new Client\Stream('http://logs.mydomain.com/');
$log    = new Logger(new Writer\Http($stream);

$log->info('Just a info message.');
$log->alert('Look Out! Something serious happened!');

The log writer will send HTTP requests with the log data to the HTTP service.

Using a Database Table

Writing a log to a table in a database requires you to install popphp/pop-db:

use Pop\Db\Db;
use Pop\Log\Logger;
use Pop\Log\Writer;

$db  = Db::connect('sqlite', __DIR__ . '/logs/.htapplog.sqlite');
$log = new Logger(new Writer\Db($db, 'system_logs'));

$log->info('Just a info message.');
$log->alert('Look Out! Something serious happened!');

In this case, the logs are written to a database table that has the columns id, timestamp, level, name and message. So, after the example above, your database table would look like this:

Id Timestamp Level Name Message
1 2015-07-11 12:32:32 6 INFO Just a info message.
2 2015-07-11 12:32:33 1 ALERT Look Out! Something serious happened!

Setting Log Limits

Log level limits can be set for the log writer objects to enforce the severity of which log messages actually get logged:

use Pop\Log\Logger;
use Pop\Log\Writer;

$prodLog = new Writer\File(__DIR__ . '/logs/app_prod.log');
$devLog  = new Writer\File(__DIR__ . '/logs/app_dev.log');

$prodLog->setLogLimit(3); // Log only ERROR (3) and above
$devLog->setLogLimit(6);  // Log only INFO (6) and above

$log = new Logger([$prodLog, $devLog]);

$log->alert('Look Out! Something serious happened!'); // Will write to both writers
$log->info('Just a info message.');                   // Will write to only app_dev.log

The app_prod.log file will contain:

2015-07-11 12:32:33    1    ALERT   Look Out! Something serious happened!

And the app_dev.log file will contain:

2015-07-11 12:32:33    1    ALERT   Look Out! Something serious happened!
2015-07-11 12:32:34    6    INFO    Just a info message.