
The package lays the basis for the simple manipulation of ID3 tags.You can define readers and writers to manipulate the metadata in read or write.



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Supported id3 bin

The package lays the basis for the simple ID3 tags manipulation.

You can define readers and writers to manipulate the metadata in read or write.

Mediainfo (>= 17.0) EyeD3 (>= 0.8) metaflac (>= 1.3.0) ffprobe (>= 2.8.14) exiftool () lltag () id3info () id3tool () mp3info ()
Mp3 read ✓ ✓ no ✓
Mp3 read comments ✓ ✓ - no
Mp3 write no ✓ no ✓
Mp4 read ✓ - - -
Mp4 write - - - -
Flac read ✓ - - -
Flac write no no - -
Output XML ✓ no - ✓
Output JSON ✓ no - ✓
  • '✓', 'no', 'yes' = Tested
  • '-' = not tested

Speed benchmark

Bin readers 100 iterations 500 iterations
[metaflac] 2.249s 11.73s
[Mediainfo] 5.362s 27.19s
[ffprobe] 9.716s 48.43s
[EyeD3] 13.052s 65.423s


Read Id3 Tags


class MyClass

    public function readId3()
        $mp3OrFlacFile = '/path/to/file';
        /** @var Sapar\Id3\Metadata\Id3MetadataInterface */
        $id3Metadata = new Sapar\Metadata\Id3Metadata($mp3OrFlacFile);
        /** @var Sapar\Wrapper\BinWrapper\BinWrapperInterface */
        $mediaInfoWrapper = new Sapar\Wrapper\BinWrapper\MediainfoWrapper();
        if ($mediaInfoWrapper->read($metaDataFile)) {

Write Id3 Tags


class MyClass

    public function writeId3()
        $mp3OrFlacFile = '/path/to/file';
        /** @var Sapar\Id3\Metadata\Id3MetadataInterface */
        $id3Metadata = new Sapar\Metadata\Id3Metadata($mp3OrFlacFile);
        /** @var Sapar\Wrapper\BinWrapper\BinWrapperInterface */
        $id3v2wrapper = new Sapar\Wrapper\BinWrapper\Id3v2Wrapper();
        if ($mediaInfoReader->write($metaDataFile)) {
            //it's done!

Create custom Wrapper


class MyClass



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