
Laravel automatic form generator

generator, form, laravel, auto


Form Generator

This is a auto form generator for Laravel 4. This package allows you to auto generate a form from a model.


To add this form generator to your Laravel application follow this steps:

Add the following to your composer.json file:

"robin-malfait/formgenerator": "dev-master"

Then run composer update or composer install if you have not already installed packages.

Add below to the providers array in app/config/app.php configuration file (add at the end):


Add 'Formgenerator' => 'RobinMalfait\Formgenerator\Facades\Formgenerator', to the aliases array also in app/config/app.php

What's new

  • You can now flag all fields with 'form-control' for Bootstrap 3 users.
    'extras'    => array(
        '*'     => array('class' => 'form-control')
  • You may now use hidden fields and set values to those hidden elements. The label associated will be hidden.
    'customers_id'  => array(
        'type'      =>  'hidden',
        'value'     =>  2
  • The ability to add custom labels in the extras array:

    'label' => 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'

How to use it

Let's make a form now, you can either pass an object like $user OR you can pass table_name as a string instead of the $model variable like so:

{{ Form::open() }}
    {{ Formgenerator::generate('table_name_here') }}
{{ Form::close() }}

With a $model object

{{ Form::model($user) }}
    {{ Formgenerator::generate($user) }}
{{ Form::close() }}

As a second param you can pass an options array for example:

{{ Form::model($user) }}
    {{ Formgenerator::generate($user, array(

        // If you want a specific type, put it in here, default is type from the database
        'types' => array(
            // Field Name   => Type
            'all_day'       => 'checkbox',

            // Support for hidden fields (auto-hides associated label) and setting values!
            'customers_id'          => array(
                'type'      =>  'hidden',
                'value'     =>  2

            // If you want a select field with options
            'first_name'    => array(
                'type'      => 'select',
                'options'   => array(
                    'Taftse'    => 'Taftse',
                    'Robin'     => 'Robin',
                    'Jeffrey'   => 'Jeffrey'

        // Add a class to a field
        'extras' => array(
            // Field Name   => array('key' => 'value'),
            'first_name'            => array(
                'class'             => 'span5',
                'content_before'    => '<fieldset><legend>My Form</legend>'
            'last_name'             => array(
                'class'             => 'span5',
                'content_before'    => '<br>'
            'activated'     => array(
                'class'         => '',
                'content_after' => '</fieldset>'

                // Set a custom label if you want
                'label' => 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'

            // Wildcards, those will be added to every field except for the fields that are listed above.

            // If you specify the *form-control* class, all fields will have form-control applied their class list.
            // This is great for Bootstrap 3 users, but keep in mind, the above functionality will break due to
            // all fields being given a class.

            '*'             => array(
                'class'     => 'span5 form-control'

        // Submit? Yes or no? Set the text and set a class if you want
        'submit' => array(
            'show'  => true,
            'text'  => 'Save',
            'class' => 'btn btn-success btn-large'

        // Fields to not display!
        'exclude' => array(
            'event_type', 'id', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'for_user_id'

        // Show labels
        'showLabels' => true,

    )) }}
{{ Form::close() }}