
PHP library for Sacrina API



Sacrina PHP SDK

System Requirements

Sacrina PHP SDK runs PHP 5.6 or higher with cURL module enabled.


You can install the package using composer

composer require sacrina/sacrina

You can install and use it by cloning the repo.

sudo git clone

Then include the init.php file in your script.



Register for Sacrina account and get your key. The use:

require_once 'sacrina-php/init.php';
$sacrina = new sacrinarest();
$sacrina->add_key('your API key');


Add dataset

You can add dataset as a list as:

$list = ['data 1', 'data 2', 'data 3',..];

Or you can add data one by one as:

$sacrina->add_data('Data 1');

Upload dataset

Upload your dataset to Sacrina using:


Select an existing dataset

You can select an exisiting dataset using the id parameter:


Create model

To create a new model using your added dataset, use the following:


Select model

To select an existing model using its id, use the following:


Train model

To start your model training, use the following:


Check model status

To check the status of training, use the following:


Create project

To create a new project, use the following:

$sacrina->create_project($gen, $sector_min, $sector_max);

Select project

To select an existing project using its id, use the following:


Execute project

To execute the selected project, use the following:


Check project status

To check the project status, use the following:


Download results

To download the results of the selected project, use the following:
