
This package allows you easily install magento 2 from scratch, setup already existing project within new location, and update existing projects



This package allows you easily install magento 2 from scratch, setup already existing project within new location, and update existing projects


The easiest way to install module is using Composer

composer require sergeynezbritskiy/magento2-deploy
php vendor/sergeynezbritskiy/magento2-deploy/init
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento cache:clean

Magento command usage

php bin/magento deploy:mode:configure [DEPLOY_MDOE]

Deploy scripts usage

copy bin/ file to bin/ and setup configuration according to your environment from your root directory run:

./bin/ //completely reinstall magento according DROPPING DATABASE
./bin/ //install magento from scratch
./bin/ //update magento, e.g. after `git pull`