
WordPress Continuous Integration

wordpress, wp, wpci


WordPress Continuous Integration

Moved to this repo.


  • Start with composer create-project --prefer-dist shov/wpci ./new-site, it will download wordpress to ./new-site/wordpress, and other required packages to ./new-site/vendor

  • The next step is run docker containers, to start application locally. You should have installed docker-ce and docker-compose as well. cd ./new-site/docker-config , prepare environment data: cp ./.env.example ./.env and start docker with docker-compose up --build -d You can check all container running well using docker-compose ps, and stop all with docker-compose stop or docker-compose down to remove all containers as well

  • Open website on localhost in your browser and make install wordpress using values from new-site/docker-config/.env for database configuration, as host put mysql

  • Go wp admin Appearance -> Themes and turn on the wpci theme (it should be in the list)

  • Go Settings -> Permalinks and turn off plain mode

  • Go Plugins and activate Advanced Custom Fields plugin

  • Research src/app/App.php to understanding routes


The project still under construction, as the task board I'm using Trello