This is the package which help to fast API development.
- By use it less code
- It is very easy to use
- Only define the model file
- Get resource task automated like
- List, save, show, edit, update and delete
- Best use of the Ore is automate the crud of your module
- For example : some module only want crud on that
- Then use it like , category, subcategory, country, city, state, class, department etc
- Very simple to install it using the composer
composer require shubhcredit/ore
- After intall verify by hit the api route as
- Response will as
"Status": true,
"message": "Ore api route is ready to serve | Make development easy..."
- Create migration and model
- Then add your Ore property in your model file as
public $ore=[
Explanation :
'name' column name
'component' which type of data will be store
'required' use to show on input field label
'orevl' define the laravel input validation
'enum' add enum value , it save key in db it show mapped value
In above example we take the category module
Which has relation with the group and department module
Define the relation as
public function group_is(){
return $this->belongsTo(Group::class,'group');
public function department_is(){
return $this->belongsTo(Department::class,'department');
- Now define the your module route as
- Use the controller in your route file
use Shubhcredit\Ore\Controllers\Api\OreController;
- Define resource reoute prifix with 'ore'
Route::resource('/ore/category', OreController::class);
- ore prefix is mendetory in the route