
Simplicate scaffolding package for Craft 3 CMS projects

cms, project, docker, Craft, craftcms, webpack


About simplicate-web/craft

This is a highly opinionated, Docker-based Craft CMS 3 project scaffolding / boilerplate.

It excels at rapidly prototyping modern website structures + page layouts.

We use it very early in our design & development process to increases collaboration and communication between team members and project stakeholders. We've found that it leads to better sites being developed in shorter timelines.

It comes pre-populated with:

  • a super-flexible matrix-based content editor
  • default sections for pages, news, and faqs
  • a variety of entry type templates
  • a nascent design system / component / pattern library
  • a default site module with web & console controllers
  • a secondary site to be used for documentation
  • deployment scripts for both staging & production

This project is a fork of the nystudio107/craft package by Andrew Welch and contains most of it's core features.


You will need Docker desktop for your platform installed to run the project in local development.

  1. Run the following command to create a new project:

    composer create-project simplicate-web/craft YOUR_PROJECT_NAME

  2. Change into the project directory and run this command to bring up the docker container for the first time:

    docker-compose up

    This first launch will take several minutes to run while Docker does it's thing. Subsequent launches will be faster.

  3. To import the seed database, open a second console window in the project directory and run:

    ./scripts/ db-seed/seed_db.sql

    This command must be run while the docker container launched in step 2 is still running.

  4. Once the original docker container has completed it's installation and you can see that it's accepting connections on http://localhost:8000 close it down CTRL+C and bring it back up again with:

    docker-compose up

    This is necessary because the first attempt will have partially failed due to the seed database not being initially available.

  5. This second launch of the docker container should work without issue. Once the console indicates that it's accepting connections, you can visit the site at: http://localhost:8000

Admin Login

URL: http://localhost:8000/admin


Password: letmein

Accessing the Site Guide / Document frontend

From Settings > System > Sites click the "Site Guide" entry and enable the setting labelled:

**Make this the primary site**

Craft will now display this site when you visit http://localhost:8000.

You can revert this by making any other site the primary.

Important things to note

  • If you make a change to the contents of the .env file you will need to shutdown the docker container and restart it.

  • This project assumes you will be using an Amazon S3 or Digital Ocean Spaces type solution for storing your project assets in the cloud. You can disable this editing the Asset Settings or lean into it by editing the CDN + S3 settings section of the .env file to look something like:
