
Convert an Amazon SES secret key into an SMTP password.

email, aws, ses


Convert an SES secret key to an SMTP password

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require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Skyzyx\Ses\SesPassword;

$password = SesPassword::convert($secrey_key);


Using Composer:

composer require skyzyx/convert-ses-secret-to-password=^1.0

And include it in your scripts:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';


Firstly, run composer install --optimize-autoloader to download and install the dependencies.

You can run the tests as follows:


API Reference

The API Reference is generated by a tool called Sami. You should install it locally on your system with:

Once it's installed, you can generate updated documentation by running the following command in the root of the repository.

bin/sami.php update docs/sami-config.php -v

GPG Signing

Each release (i.e., git tag) is GPG-signed. You can easily verify the contents using Keybase.

keybase dir verify

If you're more familiar with traditional GPG signing, view for the information you need to do the verification.


Here's the process for contributing:

  1. Fork convert-ses-secret-to-password to your GitHub account.
  2. Clone your GitHub copy of the repository into your local workspace.
  3. Write code, fix bugs, and add tests with 100% code coverage.
  4. Commit your changes to your local workspace and push them up to your GitHub copy.
  5. You submit a GitHub pull request with a description of what the change is.
  6. The contribution is reviewed. Maybe there will be some banter back-and-forth in the comments.
  7. If all goes well, your pull request will be accepted and your changes are merged in.

Authors, Copyright & Licensing

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.

Licensed for use under the terms of the MIT license.

Coding Standards

PSR-0/1/2 are a solid foundation, but are not an entire coding style by themselves. I have taken the time to document all of the nitpicky patterns and nuances of my personal coding style. It goes well-beyond brace placement and tabs vs. spaces to cover topics such as docblock annotations, ternary operations and which variation of English to use. It aims for thoroughness and pedanticism over hoping that we can all get along.