
PHP library to communicate with the Envato API.



PHP Library for the Envato API

This is a simple PHP library to connect and communicate with the Envato API. This library will allow you to execute all POST, PUT, GET and DELETE commands in the API using simple routes.

Install the library

You can install the library with composer by executing composer require smafe/envato-api

Dependencies php-curl

Initiate the library

You initiate the library by including composers autoload.php in your code and then do the following.

$envato = new \Smafe\Envato( array(
  'api_id' => 'ENVATO APP ID'
, 'api_secret' => 'ENVATO SECRET KEY'
, 'api_redirect' => 'APP REDIRECT URI'
, 'api_token' => 'APP TOKEN'
, 'api_refresh_token' => 'PRE-EXISTING USER REFRESH TOKEN'
) );


The application ID you got when you created the application with Envato.


The secret key you got when you generated the applicated with Envato.


The redirect URI where the app will go when you authorize your Envato account. This has to match the URI registered with the application at Envato. The redirect endpoint is where you will handle the details given by Envato.

api_token (Optional)

The app token is the same as your "Personal token" with Envato. You can use this to access the API directly without logging in. This is useful when your only accessing your own account and dont require the user to authenticate with their own Envato account.

api_refresh_token (Optional)

When a user login for the first time, you are given a "refresh token", this refresh token can be used to generate a new access token when it expires without having the user login again. By defining this, then the system will generate a new access token based on the request key and invoke the function saveAccessToken()

Multiple refresh tokens can be used by providing an array() with keys instead of a string. This will cause the library to loop trough all the refresh tokens until it reaches a refresh token that provides a valid access token.


This library is using PHP exceptions to return any errors along the way. All requests should be wrapped using try {} to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

try {

  $request = $envato->request( 'v3/market/catalog/item?id=13041404' );

  // IF all is good, print request
  print_r( $request );

} catch( \ErrorException $e ) {

  // IF error, print message
  echo $e->getMessage();


Working example

This is a complete working example using the Envato API that should work out of the box :)

$envato = new \Smafe\Envato( array(
  'api_id' => 'ENVATO APP ID'
, 'api_secret' => 'ENVATO SECRET KEY'
, 'api_redirect' => 'APP REDIRECT URI'
, 'api_token' => 'APP TOKEN'
) );

try {

  $request = $envato->request( 'v3/market/catalog/item?id=13041404' );
  print_r( $request );

} catch( \ErrorException $e ) {

  echo $e->getMessage();



You can read more and find a complete demo at, this demo is running an exact version of what you will find in this library. Alternatively you can take a look at index.php to inspect the code the demo is running.


Envato API library is written and maintained by Smafe Web Solutions. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please dont hestiate to contact us.