
PHP based login as a service (LASS) platform for building web apps

credentials, login-system, web-app


Floors [ON GOING]

Floors is on going to beta version on June 2017.

Login is the most implemented and boring feature because its repeated in every single web app i ever build. Floors is PHP based login as-a service platform for single sign on distributed web apps that solving boring problem i faced. Built with credentials integrations support with facebook, google and twitter out of the box with only configuration without coding. Let's make login feature fun again with floors!


Wanna try? just hit:

composer create-project -s dev velliz/floors project_name


  • Database setup:

Import provided floors.sql into your MySQL or MariaDB engine. Then setup the database connection from config/database.php

return array(
    'dbType' => 'mysql',
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'user' => 'root',
    'pass' => '',
    'dbName' => 'floors',
    'port' => 3306
  • First use setup:

To add a default operator access and apps you can open the http://localhost/setup

Main features

* thrid party app management
* authorization
* users log
* roles and credentials

Login features

* Facebook
* Google Accounts
* Twitter
* Floors Account


Floors is build on top Puko Framework