
Use this SDK to retrieve citations.

citations, gRPC, vendasta


Vendasta PHP Citations SDK

The PHP SDK is available on Packagist. This allows for simple composer installation. Check out our PHP packages at

Creating a Client

You'll use the client to interact with either our test or production servers.

$client = new Client(Environments::TEST, $token);


  • Follow the installation instructions in the root README, paste the static token we gave you into test_client.php, then run:
php example/test_client.php



This is an enumerator with two options: TEST, PRODUCTION.


  • The Client you'll use to interact with the citations server.
function Client($environment, $token);
  • token string: A static token we give you for authentication.
  • environment Environment: An Environment Enum (includes TEST, PRODUCTION)


// Returns the list of citations that occurred between $startTime and $endTime
function GetByRange($accountId, $startTime, $endTime);
  • accountId string: The accountId to retrieve the citations for. (i.e: AG-1234)
  • startTime \google\protobuf\Timestamp: A Timestamp object representing the start date you want to retrieve citations for.
  • endTime \google\protobuf\Timestamp: A Timestamp object representing the end date you want to retrieve citations for.


The Citation class represents a mention of a business outside of an explicit business listing.


  • accountId: string => This is the ID for the account the citation is associated with.
  • url: string => The URL where the citation can be found.
  • title: string => The title of the citation. This is just the citation location's HTML page title.
  • created: Timestamp => The time we discovered the citation.


This is an empty object from gRPC.

gRPC docs:

  • It has no fields.
  • We have had to modify the gRPC library, as Empty is a reserved word in php. The class is renamed to RealEmpty.


A Timestamp object representing time as seconds since Epoch.

gRPC docs:

  • seconds: number => The number of seconds after (positive) or before (negative) the 1970 Epoch.
  • nanos: number => The fractional portion of the last second, in nanoseconds. This number must always be positive or zero, even for negative timestamps.


  • Clone the repository
  • run composer install
  • follow the install instructions in the ROOT.