
New, clean insert tag handling, adding some custom logic to existing insert tags in Contao 5.3.x




New, clean insert tag handling, adding some custom logic to existing insert tags in Contao 4.x

Backend Tag rendering

Activates rendering of insert tags in the backend - especially nice for custom elements, included subtemplates, icons and many more tricks in content element organisation.

We're not touching the HTML element - that usually is modules or other "bigger" includes.

New tags


Includes php, tpl, xhtml or html5 file where path is relative to ./vendor directory. f.e. {{file_vendor::magmell-agentur/contao-boxes/src/Resources/contao/templates/test.html5}}


Returns value from $_SESSION['FORM_DATA']

f.e. {{form::firstName}} will return value from:



Return value from url with function:


f.e. {{get::movies}} for URL www.example.com/movies/forrest-gump it will reutrn value forrest-gump
also it works with classical GET formats example www.example.com/list?movies=forrest-gump will return forrest-gump