
Sandbox project using Nette framework, Kdyby, Webloader and alternative Nette sandbox structure.



WodCZ sandbox

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  • Run composer create-project wodcz/sandbox yourproject to create new project based on this.
  • Then run vendor/bin/robo install, that command will take care of everything :]

Note: if you have Robo installed globally, you can simply run robo install.

Also, this is using bower to install client-side dependencies. Robo will try to get bower for you if you don't have it installed globally, but it needs npm, and will install bower to node_modules.

Consider installing bower globally using npm install -g bower.


After you make changes in your project and another member needs to update his project, only thing needed should be robo install. If you have additional needs, like running npm install you should update RoboFile.php with that.

Production deployment

Deployment tool is not included, as everybody has different needs. But you might want to use vendor/bin/robo install --mode=production, which takes additional steps to make your app fly in production :]

Preconfigured addons

  • Kdyby/Doctrine
  • Kdyby/Console
  • majkl578/nette-identity-doctrine
  • nette.ajax.js + history extension
  • bower for client-side assets and Robo commands to work with them
    • run vendor/bin/robo assets:prepare to concatenate files specified in App/Config/assets.php. This also creates minified versions of concatenated files.
    • run vendor/bin/robo assets:install to install bower dependencies. This also runs previous command.
    • Keep in mind that you have to specify new files in App/Config/assets.php and rerun vendor/bin/robo assets:install!

List available app commands by running php www/index.php in project root. To list robo commands, simply run vendor/bin/robo in project root.


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