
The DepMon Bundle provides a full dependency monitoring application for composer based projects.

composer, dependencies, dependency-monitoring, symfony


DepMon (Dependency Monitoring)

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What does it do?

DepMon helps you getting a better overview on your projects and their composer dependencies. It is inspired by monitoring applications like david-dm, to get notified if your project dependencies are not longer up to date. Instead of the public web variants, DepMon is a symfony application, which you can host on your own.

Project requirements

The Dependency Monitoring does'nt need access to your production environments. Instead, the system fetches the data from the VCS. This is only usefull, if your master branch represents a production-ready state, which is identical to the real project system.

So from that, it is necessary that the system, where DepMon is running on, needs access to the different project repositories.


Follow the installation steps in the wiki.


To add a new project to DepMon, you need to extend the parameters section in the service.yaml file like the example is showing below.

        name: 'project-name'
        git: 'git-url'
        path: 'path-to-composer-files'

The data aggregation starts with following command. It is recommended to use a cronjob for regulary updates.

php bin/console depmon:aggregate