
rudementairy upgrade script



Hades Upgrade

This script is meant to be a single file upgrader. Able to reconstruct the relevant configuration of the application.

$ php -f upgrade.php upgrade.json


Each file postfixed with upgrade.json can be accepted by the script to run.

	".": "https://path.to/somewhere/raw/",
	"upgrade.php": true

. can refer to a raw collection like one github provides, or any other repository. You can include files and directories.

short alias of instructions description
true {"create":true,"clear":true} file or map will be completely replaced
null {"create":true,"clear":false} file or map will be created if not yet exists
false {"delete":true} file or map (and all its contents) will be removed
target {"move":"*target*"} file or map will be renamed to target

Within the instructions you could include other functional flags: mtime, chmod, user, group. The file composer.phar can be combined with the flags: upgrade (for self-upgrade), update (for (re-)install).

NOTE: the above target, user, group is not yet implemented!


This method allows to execute a particular upgrade-request.


This method enables a wrapper-function to composer.phar. The actions install and self-update have been tested. Other actions are experimental!