
PHPTAL integration for Expressive

http, middleware, phptal, psr, psr-7, expressive


PHPTAL Integration for Expressive

Provides PHPTAL integration for Expressive.


Install this library using composer:

$ composer require xorock/zend-expressive-phptalrenderer

We recommend using a dependency injection container, and typehint against container-interop. We can recommend the following implementations:


The following details configuration specific to PHPTAL, as consumed by the PhptalRendererFactory:

use Zend\ServiceManager\Factory\InvokableFactory;
use Zend\Expressive\Phptal\HelperManager;
use Zend\Expressive\Phptal\Helper;

return [
    'dependencies' => [
        'factories' => [
            'Zend\Expressive\FinalHandler' =>

            Zend\Expressive\Template\TemplateRendererInterface::class =>

            HelperManager::class => InvokableFactory::class,
            Helper\UrlHelper::class => Helper\UrlHelperFactory::class,
            Helper\ServerUrlHelper::class => Helper\ServerUrlHelperFactory::class,

    'debug' => boolean,

    'templates' => [
        'extension' => 'file extension used by templates; defaults to html',
        'paths' => [
            // Paths may be strings or arrays of string paths.
        'paths' => 'templates' // Defaults to `templates` directory

    'phptal' => [
        'cache_dir' => 'path to cached templates',
        // if enabled, delete all template cache files before processing
        'cache_purge_mode' => boolean,
        // set how long compiled templates and phptal:cache files are kept; in days 
        'cache_lifetime' => 30,
        'encoding' => 'set input and ouput encoding; defaults to UTF-8',
        // set whitespace compression mode
        'compress_whitespace' => boolean,
        // strip all html comments
        'strip_comments' => boolean,

Included helpers and functions

The included HelperManager adds support for using own functions inside templates proxying built-in helper custom expression modifier to user class. User class has to implement HelperInterface and __invoke() method.

The following template helpers are automatically activated if UrlHelper and ServerUrlHelper are registered with the container:

  • url: Shortcut for UrlHelper

    <a tal:attributes="href helper:url('article_show', ['id' => 3])">Link</a>
    Generates: /article/3
  • serverurl: Shortcut for ServerUrlHelper

    <a tal:attributes="href helper:serverurl('/foo')">Link</a>
    Generates: /foo

As an example we can create own helper based on DateTime object:

use DateTime;

class DateTimeHelper implements HelperInterface
    const HELPER_NAME = 'datetime';

    public function __invoke(DateTime $datetime = null)
        if ($datetime === null) {
            $datetime = new DateTime();
        return $datetime->format(DateTime::ISO8601);

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getHelperName()
        return self::HELPER_NAME;

Then pass new DateTime from SomeAction to our template:

$date = new \DateTime();
$data['date'] = $date;
$this->template->render('app::home-page', $data)

And inside template:

Will show current date in ISO 8601 format