
The package allows the user to change iOS app icons directly from Flutter code. The package uses Method channels to implement icon changes.

flutter, ios



Change your app icon right from your Flutter code! [iOS only]

Runs on iOS 10.3 and above


Settings for iOS

  • Navigate to iOS folder in your Flutter app.
  • Right click on Runner folder and add a new directory named App Icons
  • Add your icons in the folder
  • Right click on the folder you just added and open it in Finder
  • Now open your iOS module in XCode
  • You won't find your folder inside XCode
  • Drag the folder from Finder under the Runner folder (Now XCode knows you added a folder)
  • Open Info.plist as source code and add the following code

Replace icon-white and icon-black with your icon names. You can also add more keys depending on the number of icons you want to keep.

Dart side

Add the dependency in pubspec.yaml and call the package through code like this:

Future<void> setAppIcon(String name) async {
    try {
      await AppIconChanger.changeIcon(name);
    } on PlatformException {
      print('Failed to change app icon');
    if (!mounted) return;