API Library for Dart with audio analysis and recognition solutions from
Sense API enables developers to extract various non-verbal information from an audio input with the power of audio processing and neural network techniques. It is robust against noises and different types of recording environments, so it can be used for analyzing input audio from various IoT devices such as smart speakers or IP cameras, not to mention its potential usage in searching through video clips.
To date, Sense API is the only publicly available API online for machine listening, a rapidly emerging technology. It supports both prerecorded audio and real-time streaming as inputs, and multiple audio encodings are supported including mp3, wav, and FLAC.
Get started
1. Add Dependency
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
sense_dart: ^0.2.0
2. Install it
You can install packages from the command line:
with pub:
$ pub get
with Flutter:
$ flutter pub get
Alternatively, your editor might support pub get
or flutter pub get
. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.
3. Import it
Now in your Dart code, you can use:
import 'package:sense_dart/sense_dart.dart';
4. Get API Key
Go to
Then sign up and get 10 dollars free of charge.
Import the library.
import 'package:sense_dart/sense_dart.dart';
final apiKey = "Copy Your Cochlear API Key Received by homepage";
1. Analyze audio files
file represents a class that can inference audio coming from an audio file.
An audio file is any source of audio data which duration is known at runtime. Because duration is known at runtime, server will wait for the whole file to be received before to start inferencing. All inferenced data will be received in one payload.
A file can be for instance, a mp3 file stored locally, a wav file accessible from an url etc...
So far wav, flac, mp3, ogg, mp4 are supported.
If you are using another file encoding format, let us know at so that we can priorize it in our internal roadmap.
File implements the following interface :
class file {
Future<Result> inference() async => Result;
When calling inference, a GRPC connection will be established with the backend, audio data of the File will be sent and a Result instance will be returned in case of success (described bellow).
Note that network is not reached until inference method is called.
Note that inference can be called only once per file instance.
To create a file instance, you need to use a fileBuilder instance. fileBuilder is following the builder pattern and calling its build method will create a file instance.
fileBuider implements the following interface :
class fileBuilder {
//api key of projects available at
void withApiKey(String apiKey) => fileBuilder;
//data reader to the file data
void withReader(String reader) => fileBuilder;
//format of the audio file : can be mp3, flac, wav, ogg, etc...
void withFormat(String format) => fileBuilder;
//host address that performs grpc communication.
//If this method is not used, default host is used.
void withHost(String host) => fileBuilder;
//creates a File instance
file build();
2. Analyze audio stream
stream represents a class that can inference audio coming from an audio stream.
An audio stream is any source of data which duration is not known at runtime. Because duration is not known, server will inference audio as it comes. One second of audio will be required before the first result to be returned. After that, one result will be given every 0.5 second of audio.
A stream can be for instance, the audio data comming from a microphone, audio data comming from a web radio etc...
Streams can be stopped at any moment while inferencing.
For now, the only format that is supported for streaming is a raw data stream (PCM float32 stream). Raw data being sent has to be a mono channel audio stream.
Its sampling rate has to be given to describe the raw audio data.
For best performance, we recommend using a sampling rate of 22050Hz and data represented as float32.
Multiple results will be returned by calling a callback function.
If you are using another stream encoding format that is not supported, let us know at so that we can priorize it in our internal roadmap.
Stream implements the following interface :
class stream {
Stream inference() async* => Result;
When calling inference, a GRPC connection will be established with the backend, audio data of the stream will be sent every 0.5s. Once result is returned by the server, the callback function is called.
Note that network is not reached until inference method is called.
Note that inference can be called only once per stream instance.
To create a stream instance, you need to use a streamBuilder instance. streamBuilder is following the builder pattern and calling its build method will create a stream instance.
streamBuilder implements the following interface :
class streamBuilder {
//api key of projects available at
void withApiKey(String apiKey) => streamBuilder;
//data of the pcm stream
void withStreamer(Stream<List<num>> streamer) => streamBuilder;
//max number of events from previous inference to keep in memory
void withMaxEventsHistorySize(int n) => streamBuilder;
//sampling rate of the pcm stream
void withSamplingRate(int samplingRate) => streamBuilder;
//type of the pcm float32 stream
void withDataType(String dataType) => streamBuilder;
//host address that performs grpc communication.
//If this method is not used, default host is used.
void withHost(String host) => streamBuilder;
//creates a stream instance
stream build();
Note that withApiKey, withDataType, withSamplingRate and withStreamer method needs to be called before calling the build method, otherwise an error will be thrown.
3. Result
Result is a class that is returned by both file and stream when calling inference method.
Multiple results will be returned by a stream by calling a callback function. For a file only one result will be returned.
Result implements the following interface :
class Result {
//returns all events
List<Event> allEvents();
//returns all events that match the "filter function" defined below
List<Event> detectedEvents();
//group events that match the "filter function" and shows segments of time of when events were detected
Map detectedEventsTiming();
//return only the "tag" of the event that match the "filter" function
List detectedTags();
//returns the service name : "human-interaction" or "emergency" for instance
String service();
//returns a raw json object containing service name and an array of events
Map<String, dynamic> toJson ();
//use a filter function : that function takes an event as input and return a boolean. An event will be "detected" if the filter function returns true for that event
//the default filter is to consider all events as detected. So by default, allEvents() and detectedEvents() will return the same result
bool useDefaultFilter(Event event);
//where filter is a function that takes an event in input and returns a boolean
bool filter(Event event);
Note that if you are inferencing a stream, multiple results will be returned. By default, calling allEvents() will only returned the newly inferenced result. It's possible to keep track of previous events of the stream. To do so, call the withMaxEventsHistorySize method on the streamBuilder class. Its default value is 0, and increasing it will allow to "remember" previous events.
4. Event
An event contains the following data :
class Event {
//name of the detected event
var tag;
//probability for the event to happen. Its values is between 0 and 1
var probability;
//start timestamp of the detected event since the beginning of the inference
var startTime;
//end timestamp of the detected event since the beginning of the inference
var endTime;