
Generates Dart API for JS Custom Elements



Custom Elements APIGen

This package contains a tool that lets you wrap custom elements written with polymer.js and provide a Dart API for them.

The tool assumes that the JavaScript code was packaged using bower and follows bower packages conventions.

To use it, you need to:

  • Install node/npm.
  • Globally install bower and hydrolysis npm packages using npm install -g <package>.
  • configure bower to put the packages under lib/src/ instead of the default bower_components. For exmaple, with a .bowerrc file as follows:

      "directory": "lib/src"
  • setup your bower.json file

  • install packages via bower install
  • (one time) create a configuration file for this tool
  • run the tool via pub run custom_element_apigen:update configfile.yaml

There is not much documentation written for this tool. You can find examples of how this tool is used in the polymer_elements package.