Simple service discovery.
Eureka provides service discovery suitable for discovering in-process or out-of-process services using simple uri locations and labels for matching. Services list their location via a uri as well as provide information about themselves using simple labels. Clients, in turn, use these labels to discover services they're interested in. Service discovery and monitoring is possible using watch. Eureka currently supports etcd as a backend.
var eureka = new EtcdEureka(path: TEST_DIRECTORY + '/services');
var uri = Uri.parse('tcp://');
var labels = {
'environment': 'prod'
schedule(() {
return eureka.list(uri, labels);
}).then((ListingEvent le) {
expect(le.type, equals(ListingEventType.ADDED));
expect(le.listing.uri, equals(uri));
expect(le.listing.labels, equals(labels));
}).whenComplete(() {
supported backends