#Hub ####Description: a simple library containing static helpers
###### ClientSideOnly:
JStripe: provides a object that maps a dart object to JsObject and add functions that bind to values or
functions of that JsObject or its inner values
##### Both
State: provides an object that has a set level of functions that run when activate
StateManager: provides a higher level object that uses state objects as a means of manager state
Switch: a basic object with a on or off state,allowing to do a truthy or falsy checker
Distributor: a basic list that accepts functions and then propagates a value to all when its emit method is called
Transformable: takes a function and passes all values to that function for mutation
SymbolCache: a simple factory of symbols which caches them on creation for reuse
MapDecorator: a decorates a map with get,update,destroy calls
SingleLibraryManager: allows grabbing a library definition from the current MirrorSystem
Counter: a simple class that provides a increment,decrement function calls
SparceList: provides a means of adding items into an array at any position,underneath it uses a map,which turns into an array when calling its toList method
Mutator: a simple object that takes a set of functions,
where each results from the previous mutates the value used to call the next one.
Injector: provides a base class for activation of a routine depending on the truthy or falsy value of
a condition function, eg
ListInjector: takes items into array and when the condition set is matched,ejects those values out
PostionInjector: injects into specific position of an array and when it matches the required condition,ejects the array
LengthInjector: takes values into an array and if length matches its specified value,ejects a new array with the values it received
####Static Helpers map, eachSync,eachAsync,eachSyncMap,eachAsyncMap,filterValues,filterKeys,compose
createMessageMatcher: creates a function that checks the truthy state of a function with a value and returns true or a map with a predefined message of failure
randomString: takes a number and generates an array containing random strings for each index of the array
cycle: runs a function for a specified number of times
merge: merges to maps into a new map,a basic union operation,allows values destructions
quickSort: provides a restrictive quicksort algorithm on a list
findMiddle: finds the middle value's index in a list of numbers
classMirrorInvokeNamedSupportTest: checks wether the current mirror system allows using named arguments
findLibrary, findClass: finds a class/library with the mirrorsystem
switchUnless: checks if a value is null and switches a default value for it else returns that value
encryptNamedArguments: turns a Map<String,dynamic> into a Map<Symbol,dynamic>
decryptNamedArguments: turns a Map<Symbol,dynamic> into a Map<String,dynamic>
encryptSymbol: turns a string into a symbol
decryptSymbol: turns a symbol into a string
dualPartial: takes a function and returns a function that awaits 2 values which it then runs on the supplied function,a basic partial for 2 values
dualCurry: takes a function and awaits supply of its arguments in a backward(right to left manner), a basic two value curry function
matchMapConditions/matchListConditions: takes a set of functions and runs a value on them,returns a future that completes with an error if any condition function fails
captureMapConditions/captureListConditions: takes a set of functions and runs a value on them,returning a map/list of the return values for those functions,
allows doing a condition matchers that return errors or messages on why a value failed to pass a condition
compose: takes two functions and binds the return a new function that binds the return value of one as the input of the other
... and much more
Map<Symbol,dynamic> a = new Map<Symbol,dynamic>();
Map<String,dynamic> b = new Map<String,dynamic>();
var cache = Hub.createSymbolCache();
var c = cache.create('c');
a[new Symbol('a')]='aa';
assert(cache.create('c') == c);
assert(Hub.decryptNamedArguments(a) is Map<String,dynamic>);
assert(Hub.encryptNamedArguments(b) is Map<Symbol,dynamic>);
Hub.captureEachFuture([1,2,3,4,5,6],(n){ if(n != null) return n * 4; }).then((_){
assert(_.first == 4);
assert(_.last == 24);
assert(_.length == 6);
var dist = Hub.createDistributor('example');
dist.on((n){ assert(n is num); });
dist.whenDone((n){ assert(n is num); });
var mutate = Hub.createMutator('mutator');
mutate.on((n){ return n*4; });
mutate.on((n){ return n+2; });
mutate.on((n){ return n/2; });
assert(n is num);
var jector = LengthInjector.create(4);
assert(n.length == 4);
var poster = PositionInjector.create(4,(t,c){
if(t.length > 3) return true; return false;
assert(n.first == 'sucker');
assert(n.length == 4);
//i noted that its preferable to set the 0 index element at the first of the call or as a separate call,
//if push(0,item) is put on the last of the .. chain,it will default into an index error,not my fault,its
//the Map add function system.
var sparce = SparceList.create();
assert(sparce.sorted().first == 'john');
var rand = new math.Random();
var f = null;
assert(Hub.merge({'a':1},{'a':4,'b':2},override: false)['a'] == 1);
assert(Hub.merge({'a':1},{'a':4,'b':2})['a'] == 4);
assert(Hub.filterValues(Hub.map([1,3,32],(e,i,o) => e*3),(e,i,o){
if(e%2 == 0) return true;
return false;
})[0] == 96);
var isString = Hub.createMessageMatcher('isString','is not a string!',(a){
if(a is String) return true;
return false;
assert(isString('alex') == true);
assert(isString(1) is Map);
var sum = Hub.dualPartial((a,b) => a+b);
var diff = Hub.dualCurry((a,b) => a-b);
assert(sum(1)(2) == 3);
assert(diff(2)(1) == 1);
var play = State.create({ 'name':'alex','paused': false},{
'play': (target,controller){ print('${target['name']} playing song? isPaused: ${target['paused']}'); },
'pause': (target,controller){ target['paused'] = true; controller.run('play'); }
var man = StateManager.create(play);
'play':(target,control){ target.activate(); target.run('play'); },
'pause':(target,control){ }
'play':(target,control){ },
'pause':(target,control){ target.run('pause'); target.deactivate(); }
play.run('play'); -> runs the current state play function
// man.switchState('play');
// no reaction since state is null
//switching to play state
man.switchState('play'); -> if state was pause then calls pause.deactivate(),switches state to play & calls play.activate()
//should get response with play but not pause
//switching to pause state
//pause should respond not play
man.run('play'); man.run('pause');
--------------------------------------------- clientside only-----------------------------------------
var strip = JStripe.create(new IFrameElement());
//adds the contentWindow attribute of the iframe to the targetable list
//add a method fragment for the root element i.e the iframe, for the name attribute
//add a wrapper for contentWindow.addEventListener but tag it addEvent
//add a wrapper for contentWindow.addEventListener,no tag hence name it addEventListener
//run the name tag of the root
strip.runOn('root','name')(); => returns the value of name (Iframe.name)
//run the addEvent tag for contentWindow with arguments [message,Function]
var message = e['data'];
//run the addEventListener tag for contentWindow with first argument 'message',then supply argument Function,
//basically we can supply the first argument of that array above,and just supply a single value to the return function
// which turns that into the above ['message',Function]
//applies also for
var message = e['data'];