Scriptable integration and automation engine



Indra, continuous integration and automation tool

Indra allows you to define continuous integration and automation scripts as Dart code. Scripts can be ran from an IDE and debugged. Indra runs as a command line tool or as a daemon with a JSON API. Indra has a user interface that interacts with the daemon.


First, install Dart.

Then, clone Indra from GitHub:

git clone ~/.indra/runtime

Finally, install Indra:

Linux / MacOS:

cd ~/.indra/runtime/bin


  • Create an environment variable INDRA_HOME = <path\to\indra>\bin
  • Add INDRA_HOME to your PATH environment variable

Now you can run any Indra script as

indra <script.dart> [param1=value [param2=value [...]]]

Or in case the file is named build.dart, simply

indra <[param1=value [param2=value [...]]]


Example script: reflective.dart

import 'dart:isolate';

import 'package:indra/src/cli.dart';
import 'package:indra/src/tasks/git.dart';
import 'package:indra/src/tasks/pub.dart';

main(List<String> args, SendPort outputPort) async {
  var params = setup(outputPort, args, defaultParams: {'branch': 'dev'});

  var git = new GitRepo('', branch: params['branch']);
  await git.cloneOrPull();
  await Pub.get();

To run the script

indra reflective.dart


Indra can also be ran as a daemon:

indra-daemon <working/dir>

Any Dart file under the working directory can be scheduled to run from the daemon by calling:

POST http://localhost:8080/jobs/<name of the file excluding .dart>/schedule

You can request which jobs are running by calling:

GET http://localhost:8080/jobs

You can request the output of a job by calling:

GET http://localhost:8080/jobs/<script name>/<sequence number>/output