Flutter Lazy Library
A collection of packages intended to save time, especially from things that are very repetitive across projects.
Pub.dev | Version | Description |
json_preferences | 2.0.0 | Combine json object with [SharedPreferences]. And an extended version with notifier. |
lazy_cache | 2.0.0 | Provides an indexed local storage on top of the shared_preferences package. |
lazy_download | 0.0.2 | Dart package for downloading web content |
lazy_extensions | 2.0.0 | Provide extensions and functions for various types to save time and efforts. |
lazy_g_drive | 2.0.0 | A simple Google Drive Api package mainly design for [AppData] scope operation. |
lazy_g_sync | 2.1.0 | Single file sync using Google Drive appData space. A bridge between [lazy.GDrive], [lazy.GSignIn] and local data/content. |
lazy_http_client | 2.0.0 | Simple http client class that will auto apply specified headers on all requests. |
lazy_log | 2.0.0 | Simple [log] with global [enableLog] to turn on and off and [forced] to override individually. |
lazy_sign_in | 2.1.0 | Base package for [lazy_sign_in_extension] and [lazy_sign_in_google]. |
lazy_sign_in_extension | 2.1.0 | Chrome/Firefox extension Google sign-in library base on [LazySignIn] |
lazy_sign_in_google | 2.1.0 | '[google_sign_in] wrapper using [lazy_sign_in] interface. Support web and app Google sign in.' |
lazy_ui_utils | 0.0.2 | Collection of flutter UI utilities and widgets |