
A lightweight HTTP multipart parser for Dart.




This is an easy-to-use HTTP multipart library for Dart.


Import multidart like this:

import 'multidart/multidart.dart';

You will get these two pieces of data from some HTTP server:

HttpRequest request = ...; // somewhere up the line
String boundary = '------myboundary'; // somewhere up the line

Now, the fun part. This will parse the multipart request and convert it to a Map:

Map<String, String> fields = new Map();
var transformer = new PartTransformer(boundary);
// listen for each Part object
request.transform(transformer).listen((Part x) {
  // read the part object
  String value = '';<int> x) {
    value += new String.fromCharCodes(x);
  }, onDone: () {
    // set this field in the map now that we have it all
    fields[x.contentDisposition.parameters['name']] = value;
}, onError: (e) {
  print('Got error: $e');
}, onDone: () {
  print('Got multipart request: $fields');

You can use a PartTransformer to parse a multipart request stream. The PartTransformer class converts a stream of List<int> objects to a stream of Part objects. Each Part object has a stream property which emits List<int> objects itself. Additionally, you can access a Part's headers through its header property (the type of which is Map<String, HeaderValue>).

You will not receive another Part until you have completely read the previous Part. Nevertheless, each Part is "independent" from the main Stream<Part>. Because of this, you can pause or even cancel() your subscription to the main stream while still reading the current Part. Note, however, that if you cancel() your subscription to a Part, its parent Stream<Part> will be cancelled as well.


This is one of the first pieces of Dart code I have ever written. Do not judge me for it!


I have run some tests to make sure that this parser works properly. As far as performance is concerned, I do not expect it to be the best. The way the parser currently works, any carriage return in an uploaded file will cause a buffer flush, meaning that the byte arrays you get from a Part's stream may be relatively small (a completely random file would yield an average of 256 bytes per buffer).