
Persist state in a Sqlite database across restarts and returns from hibernation



Persistent state

pub package

Persist state in an Hive database across restarts and returns from hibernation


Create state update types

Define the state mutations:

enum UpdateType { intProp, stringProp, doubleProp, listProp, mapProp }

Create the state class

Create your state class and map the properties to the persitent store:

import 'package:persistent_state/persistent_state.dart';

enum UpdateType { intProp, stringProp, doubleProp, listProp, mapProp }

class AppState with PersistentState<UpdateType> {
   int get intProp => select<int>("int_prop");
   set intProp(int v) => mutate<int>("int_prop", v, UpdateType.intProp);
   double get doubleProp => select<double>("double_prop");
   set doubleProp(double v) =>
       mutate<double>("double_prop", v, UpdateType.doubleProp);
   String get stringProp => select<String>("string_prop");
   set stringProp(String v) =>
       mutate<String>("string_prop", v, UpdateType.stringProp);
   List<int> get listProp => select<List<int>>("list_prop");
   set listProp(List<int> v) =>
       mutate<List<int>>("list_prop", v, UpdateType.listProp);
   Map<String, int> get mapProp => select<Map<String, int>>("map_prop");
   set mapProp(Map<String, int> v) =>
       mutate<Map<String, int>>("map_prop", v, UpdateType.mapProp);

All the mutations will be persisted to the database:

final AppState state = AppState();
state.doubleProp = 3.0;

Note: the state reads with select do not hit the database and use an in memory copy of the state

Listen to state changes

A changefeed is available:

/// [appState] is an [AppState] instance
appState.changeFeed.listen((StateUpdate change) =>
   print("State update: \n${change.type}");


An example with Provider is available