
A Wrapper using a single connection and logging for redis-dart



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A simple wrapper for redis-dart that provides logging and manages a single redis connection as recommended by the author of redis-dart for maximum performance. Currently it relies on some modifications of redis-dart, when these are merged the dependencies are modified to the current upstream version.


A simple usage example:

import 'package:redis_wrapper/redis_wrapper.dart';

main() async {
    final RedisWrapper redis = RedisWrapper();
    // Use it for transactions
    Transaction ta = await redis.multi();
    unawaited(ta.send_object(["SADD", "project_ids", newId]));
    if(await ta.exec() != "OK") {
      logger.severe("Could not add id");
    // Use it for commands
    String result = await redis.send(["SMEMBERS", "project_ids"]);
    // Close Connection
    await redis.close();