
A pub transformer that replaces the contents of some target files based on the transformation mode.




replace_content is a pub transformer that replaces the contents of some target files with the contents of matching source files based on the transformation mode.

Given a target file path/to/file.ext, its content will be replaced with the content of path/to/file.{mode}.ext where {mode} is the transformation mode passed to pub serve and pub build. path/to/file.{mode}.ext and other files of the same path format will be excluded from the rest of the build process.

The transformer has two parameters

  • targets: a list of target files or a single target file.
  • keep_source: whether source files should be kept. Default is false.


Suppose that your project supports two transformation modes debug and release, and you want to change the contents of two target files based on the transformation mode. Those files are

  • lib/config.dart
  • web/sample.jpg

Your project should have these files

  • lib/config.dart: target file (text based)
  • lib/config.debug.dart: source file to use if mode is debug
  • lib/config.release.dart: source file to use if mode is release
  • web/sample.jpg: target file (binary)
  • web/sample.debug.jpg: source file to use if mode is debug
  • web/sample.release.jpg: source file to use if mode is release

In pubspec.yaml, add the transformer and specify the target files

- replace_content:
    - lib/config.dart
    - web/sample.jpg

After this transformer runs, the output will contain

  • lib/config.dart: contains the content of lib/config.debug.dart
  • web/sample.jpg: contains the content of web/sample.debug.jpg

Features and bugs

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.