Provides a set of String related aimed at extending the core String class and provide safer methods for working with nullable strings and strings in general.




This package is no longer supported because it was flagged by Google Dart developers as being published by an unknown person.
Publisher Unknown.
As a normal person, I believe that hardly anyone would want to use software from unknown publishers.

Version: 0.2.1

The 'strings' is a helper for the string transformations which can be useful in the code generators (such as 'camelize', 'escape', 'underscore' etc).

Currently supports the following methods:

  • camelize
  • capitalize
  • escape
  • isLowerCase
  • isUpperCase
  • join
  • printable
  • reverse
  • startsWithLowerCase
  • startsWithUpperCase
  • toUnicode
  • underscore

Other useful methods will be added soon...