
Tools for configuring web apps with environment variables and YAML




Tools to configure Dart web apps using environment variables.


The example/ directory contains an example project.

When the server runs, it writes a config.json file based on the desired environment variables:

const List<String> supportedKeys = const <String>[

Future main() async {
  await wconfig.writeConfigFromEnvironment(supportedKeys);
  // ...

Then, when the client runs, that configuration can be loaded and parsed into a map:

const List<String> supportedKeys = const <String>[

Future main() async {
  await wconfig.writeConfigFromEnvironment(supportedKeys);

When app is run in development mode, (pub serve or webdev serve) the configuration is loaded from web/config.yaml

pub build # Dart 2: webdev build

dart bin/server.dart

# observe the app says "name: my awesome app", configured in config.yaml

# stop server

export APP_NAME="i am configured using an env var"

dart bin/server.dart

# observe the app now says "name: i am configured using an env var" 

# stop server

unset APP_NAME

dart bin/server.dart

# observe the app says "name: my awesome app" again