
OraUitls Puppet module with works together with WLS or ORAWLS puppet module

java, middleware, oracle, weblogic, fmw, soa, osb, fusion
puppet module install biemond-orautils --version 0.5.3


Oracle WebLogic orautils puppet module

Build Status

If you need support, checkout the wls_install and wls_config modules from Enterprise Modules

Enterprise Modules


change the params.pp class so the defaults match with your environment or add extra values based on the hostname


include orautils

or override the defaults which does not match with your environment and call the class orautils with the necessary parameters

osDomainTypeParam => soa|admin|web|oim


    os_oracle_home      => "/opt/oracle",
    ora_inventory       => "/opt/oracle/oraInventory",
    os_domain_type      => "soa",
    os_log_folder       => "/data/logs",
    os_download_folder  => "/data/install",
    os_mdw_home         => "/opt/oracle/wls/Middleware11gR1",
    os_wl_home          => "/opt/oracle/wls/Middleware11gR1/wlserver_10.3",
    ora_user            => "oracle",
    ora_group           => "dba",
    os_domain           => "osbSoaDomain",
    os_domain_path      => "/opt/oracle/wls/Middleware11gR1/user_projects/domains/osbSoaDomain",
    node_mgr_path       => "/opt/oracle/wls/Middleware11gR1/wlserver_10.3/server/bin",
    node_mgr_port       => 5556,
    node_mgr_address    => 'localhost',
    wls_user            => "weblogic",
    wls_password        => "weblogic1",
    wls_adminserver     => "AdminServer",
    jsse_enabled        => false,

or with hiera ( include orautils )

orautils::os_oracle_home:      "/opt/oracle"
orautils::ora_inventory:       "/opt/oracle/oraInventory"
orautils::os_domain_type:      "admin"
orautils::os_log_folder:       "/data/logs"
orautils::os_download_folder:  "/data/install"
orautils::os_mdw_home:         "/opt/oracle/wls/Middleware11gR1"
orautils::os_wl_home:          "/opt/oracle/wls/Middleware11gR1/wlserver_10.3"
orautils::ora_user:            "oracle"
orautils::ora_group:           "dba"

orautils::os_domain:           "Wls1036"
orautils::os_domain_path:      "/opt/oracle/wlsdomains/domains/Wls1036"

orautils::node_mgr_path:       "/opt/oracle/middleware11g/wlserver_10.3/server/bin"
orautils::node_mgr_port:       5556
orautils::node_mgr_address:    'localhost'

orautils::wls_user:            "weblogic"
orautils::wls_password:        "weblogic1"
orautils::wls_adminserver:     "AdminServer"
orautils::jsse_enabled:        true

install auto start script for the nodemanager of WebLogic ( 10.3, 11g, 12.1.1 ) or 12.1.2

only for WebLogic 12.1.2 and higher

orautils::nodemanagerautostart{"autostart ${wlsDomainName}":
  version      => 1212,
  wl_home      => '/opt/oracle/middleware12c/wlserver',
  user         => 'oracle',
  domain       => 'Wls1212',
  domain_path  => '/opt/oracle/middleware12c/user_projects/domains/Wls1212'

only for WebLogic 10 or 11g

orautils::nodemanagerautostart{"autostart weblogic 11g":
  version     => 1111,
  wl_home     => "/opt/oracle/middleware11g/wlserver_10.3",
  user        => 'wls',

or with JSSE and custom trust

orautils::nodemanagerautostart{"autostart weblogic 11g":
  version                   => 1111,
  wl_home                   => "/opt/oracle/middleware11g/wlserver_10.3",
  user                      => 'oracle',
  jsse_enabled              => true,
  custom_trust              => true,
  trust_keystore_file       => '/vagrant/truststore.jks',
  trust_keystore_passphrase => 'XXX',

Add WebLogic scripts to /opt/scripts/wls Remove all Oracle WebLogic existence so you can deploy again Actions 1. Remove domain pack files, ${osDownloadFolder}/domain_. 2. Remove mdwhome, $osOracleHome 3. Remove beahome list of user $oraUser 4. Remove /etc/oraInst.loc 5. Remove ${osDownloadFolder}/osb 6. Remove ${osDownloadFolder}/soa 7 Remove ${osDownloadFolder}/*.xml 1. Shows if the AdminServer, Soa and OSB server is running plus the PIDs 2. Shows if the NodeManager is running plus the PID Starts the nodemanager Stops the nodemanager 1. Checks first if the nodemanager is running 2. Check if the AdminServer is already started 3. Start the WebLogic Adminserver from the nodemanager 1. Checks first if the nodemanager is running 2. Check if the AdminServer is running 3. Stops the WebLogic Adminserver from the nodemanager