
This module contains DSC resources for configuration of the WSMan Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP).

windows, puppetdsc, dsc, credssp, dsc-resources, powershell
puppet module install dsc-xcredssp --version 1.1.0-0-1


Build status


The xCredSSP module is a part of the Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) Resource Kit, which is a collection of DSC Resources produced by the PowerShell Team. This module contains the xCredSSP resource, which enables or disables Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) authentication on a client or on a server computer, and which server or servers the client credentials can be delegated to.

All of the resources in the DSC Resource Kit are provided AS IS, and are not supported through any Microsoft standard support program or service. The "x" in xCredSSP stands for experimental, which means that these resources will be fix forward and monitored by the module owner(s).

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.


To install xCredSSP module

  • Unzip the content under $env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules folder

To confirm installation:

  • Run Get-DSCResource to see that xCredSSP is among the DSC Resources listed.


This module requires the latest version of PowerShell (v4.0, which ships in Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012R2). To easily use PowerShell 4.0 on older operating systems, install WMF 4.0. Please read the installation instructions that are present on both the download page and the release notes for WMF 4.0.


The xCredSSP module contains the xCredSSP resource, which enables or disables Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) authentication on a client or on a server computer, and which server or servers the client credentials can be delegated to.


xCredSSP resource has following properties:

  • Ensure: Specifies whether the domain trust is present or absent
  • Role: REQUIRED parameter representing the CredSSP role, and is either "Server" or "Client"
  • DelegateComputers: Array of servers to be delegated to, REQUIRED when Role is set to "Client".
  • SuppressReboot: Specifies whether a necessary reboot has to be supressed or not.



  • Update appveyor.yml to use the default template.
  • Added default template files .codecov.yml, .gitattributes, and .gitignore and .vscode folder.
  • Fixed issue where the Set method did not correct DelegateComputers, when two machines were accidentally added as one string instead of an array.

  • Added a fix to enable credSSP with a fresh server installation

  • Converted appveyor.yml to install Pester from PSGallery instead of from Chocolatey.
  • Implemented a GPO check to prevent an endless reboot loop when CredSSP is configured via a GPO
  • Fixed issue with Test always returning false with other regional settings then english
  • Added check to test if Role=Server and DelegateComputers parameter is specified
  • Added parameter to supress a reboot, default value is false (reboot server when required)

  • Made sure DSC reboots if credSS is enabled

  • Updated with minor bug fixes.

  • Initial release with the following resources
    • xADDomain


Enable CredSSP for both server and client roles, and delegate to Server1 and Server2.

Configuration EnableCredSSP
    Import-DscResource -Module xCredSSP
    Node localhost
        xCredSSP Server
            Ensure = "Present"
            Role = "Server"
        xCredSSP Client
            Ensure = "Present"
            Role = "Client"
            DelegateComputers = "Server1","Server2"


Please check out common DSC Resources contributing guidelines.