
Puppet module to install and manage a Mumble server

murmurd, mumble, voice, linux-puppet-module, puppet
puppet module install puppet-mumble --version 3.0.0


Mumble module for Puppet

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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with puppet-mumble
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This module installs the Mumble VoIP server, murmurd.

It is in beta development and tested on Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04.

Module Description

This module is intended for Ubuntu. If $ppa is true, it adds either the snapshot or release (depending on $snapshot) Mumble PPA, then installs mumble-server, configures it through a template, and starts the service.

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What puppet-mumble affects

  • Packages
    • mumble-server
    • libicu-dev if $libicu_dev (bugfix)
  • PPAs
    • ppa:mumble/release
    • ppa:mumble/snapshot
  • Services
    • mumble-server
  • Files
    • /etc/mumble-server.ini
  • User
    • mumble-server
  • Group
    • mumble-server

Beginning with puppet-mumble

The simplest use of this module is:

include mumble


Generated puppet strings documentation with examples is available from https://voxpupuli.org/puppet-mumble/

It's also included in the docs/ folder as simple html pages.

This module has one class, mumble, with the following parameters:

$autostart          = true,  # Start server at boot
$ppa                = false, # Install the PPA
$snapshot           = false, # Use snapshot over release PPA
$server_password    = '',    # Supervisor account password

# The following parameters affect mumble-server.ini through a template
# For more info, see http://mumble.sourceforge.net/Murmur.ini
$register_name      = 'Mumble Server',
$password           = undef,    # General entrance password
$port               = 64738,
$host               = '',
$user               = 'mumble-server',
$group              = 'mumble-server',
$bandwidth          = 72000,
$users              = 100,
$text_length_limit  = 5000,
$autoban_attempts   = 10,
$autoban_time_frame = 120,
$autoban_time       = 300,
$database_path      = '/var/lib/mumble-server/mumble-server.sqlite',
$log_path           = '/var/log/mumble-server/mumble-server.log',
$allow_html         = true,
$log_days           = 31,
$ssl_cert           = '',
$ssl_key            = '',
$welcome_text       = '<br />Welcome to this server running <b>Murmur</b>.<br />Enjoy your stay!<br />',

Note that the mumble-server package by default sets up a user and group named 'mumble-server', and so will be created additionally if the user and group are changed here.

More information about the configuraiton file's settings can be found in the Wiki.

The snapshot parameter enables the use of the snapshot PPA, which as of this writing, seems to fix the bug where libicui-dev was needed but not a dependency.

The server_password parameter sets the supervisor account's password by executing murmurd -supw password, it is not a template configuration, and thus can be set manually as well.


This module currently only supports Ubuntu. It is working on my Vagrant box, Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS with Puppet 3.4.1, and as such it's development is on hold.

If Mumble ever runs without being given an SSL certificate and key, then it will auto-generate its own. If later given a custom certificate and key, the Mumble service must be stopped, and then manually run with the option to wipe the keys from its internal configuration database.

service mumble-server stop
murmurd -wipessl
pkill murmurd
service mumble-server start

Please note that on Debian / Ubuntu, you may want to change USER=mumble-server to USER=root in /etc/init.d/mumber-server so that root owned keys can be read by Mumble on startup, as per this bug. The Mumble daemon automatically drops privileges itself.


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