
A Bolt plugin for creating key pairs and encrypting and decrypting sensitive values.

puppet module install puppetlabs-pkcs7 --version 0.1.2



Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Parameters
  3. Configuration
  4. Usage
  5. Bolt CLI Usage


This module includes Bolt plugins for creating key pairs and encrypting and decrypting sensitive values.



The pkcs7::secret_createkeys task creates a key pair used to encrypt and decrypt values. It accepts the following values:

Option Type Description Default
force Boolean Whether to overwrite an existing key pair. false
keysize Integer The size of the key to generate. 2048
private_key String The path to the private key. Accepts an absolute path or a path relative to the boltdir. <boltdir>/keys/private_key.pkcs7.pem
public_key String The path to the public key. Accepts an absolute path or a path relative to the boltdir. <boltdir>/keys/public_key.pkcs7.pem


The pkcs7::secret_decrypt task decrypts an encrypted value and returns the plaintext. It accepts the following values:

Option Type Description Default
encrypted_value String The encrypted value.
private_key String The path to the private key. Accepts an absolute path or a path relative to the boltdir. <boltdir>/keys/private_key.pkcs7.pem
public_key String The path to the public key. Accepts an absolute path or a path relative to the boltdir. <boltdir>/keys/public_key.pkcs7.pem


The pkcs7::secret_encrypt task encrypts a sensitive value and returns an encrypted value. It accepts the following values:

Option Type Description Default
plaintext_value String The value to encrypt.
public_key String The path to the public key. Accepts an absolute path or a path relative to the boltdir. <boltdir>/keys/public_key.pkcs7.pem


The pkcs7 plugin can be configured in a bolt-project.yaml or bolt-defaults.yaml file. This configuration applies to using the plugin configuration and inventory, and to running 'bolt secret' commands on the command line. The following values can be configured and apply to each plugin that uses the value:

  • keysize
  • private_key
  • public_key
    keysize: 4096
    private_key: ./nothing_to_see_here/private.pkcs7.pem
    public_key: ./nothing_to_see_here/public.pkcs7.pem


The pkcs7::secret_decrypt task is aliased to resolve_reference, letting it be used anywhere that a resolve_reference task can be used such as a bolt.yaml, inventory.yaml, or a plan. To use the plugin, write a plugin reference anywhere you need to decrypt an encrypted value:

  - uri: example.com
          _plugin: pkcs7
          encrypted_value: |

Bolt CLI Usage

The pkcs7 plugins can be used directly from the Bolt CLI using the bolt secret commands. This module is bundled with Bolt and is the default plugin used by the bolt secret commands.

NOTE: You must configure the keysize, public_key, and private_key parameters in your bolt-project.yaml or bolt-defaults.yaml as shown above. Only the --force parameter can be passed on the command line.

Creating keys

To create keys for a Bolt project, run the following command:

*nix shell command

$ bolt secret createkeys [options]

PowerShell cmdlet

New-BoltSecretKey [options]

Decrypting a value

To decrypt an encrypted value, run the following command:

*nix shell command

$ bolt secret decrypt <encrypted_value> [options]

PowerShell cmdlet

Unprotect-BoltSecret -Text <encrypted_value> [options]

Encrypting a value

To encrypt plaintext, run the following command:

*nix shell command

$ bolt secret encrypt <plaintext_value> [options]

PowerShell cmdlet

Protect-BoltSecret -Text <plaintext_value> [options]