
nrpe, checks, monitoring
puppet module install tsystemsmms-secc_nrpe_checks --version 1.4.0


AMCS SecC - NRPE Checks Module

Build Status

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with [nrpe]
  1. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  1. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  2. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  3. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This module is a companion module for secc_nrpe

Module Description

This module is used to manage checks. Commands will be inserted into general.cfg. This module can not run without secc_nrpe.


What [nrpe] affects

  • Files

    • /home/nrpe/bin/checks_*
  • Templates

    • /etc/nrpe.d/general.cfg

Beginning with [nrpe]

  • this module only handles NRPE checks, for NRPE configuration you need to incluce the base class secc_nrpe


  • This module has a hard dependency to secc_nrpe, you can not use this without it

There are two use cases for this module:

  • copy this module into your repository
    • this is necessary if your checks are not in a separate git repository
    • you place your checks inside this puppet module
    • do not use Puppetfile to manage this module
  • use this module via Puppetfile inclusion
    • NRPE checks need to be installed from a separate git repository
    • this is controlled with the following variables:
      • nrpe_module_repository points to the correct git repository URL
      • manage_home_nrpe_bin_purge and manage_home_nrpe_bin_force set to false


secc_nrpe_checks::nrpe_module_repository: https://$USERNAME:$PASSWORD@yourgitserver.example.com/scm/yourproject/your_nrpe_checks.git
secc_nrpe_checks::manage_home_nrpe_bin_purge: false
secc_nrpe_checks::manage_home_nrpe_bin_force: false

Configuring [nrpe] /etc/nrpe.d

Via the define secc_nrpe_checks::command_file it is possible to include external NRPE commands in the directory /etc/nrpe.d

An example call might look like this:

secc_nrpe_checks::command_file { 'this_is_a_test':
  commands => {
    'NRPE_first_command' => {
      command => '/bin/true',

The result is a file /etc/nrpe.d/this_is_a_test.cfg with the content:

### MANAGED BY PUPPET ['secc_nrpe_checks']  ###



  1. Classes
    • secc_nrpe_checks
    • secc_nrpe_checks::config
  2. Defines
    • secc_nrpe_checks::command_file


  • This module was tested with CentOS6 and CentOS7


  • Please document changes withing the module using git commits
  • Execution of tests: bundler install, bundler exec rake