
puppet module install walkamongus-concourse --version 1.0.0


Build Status


Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with concourse
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.


This module installs and configures the Concourse CI server and fly CLI (https://concourse-ci.org).


What concourse affects

This module will download and install Concourse and the fly cli. It will also create Concourse work directories and optionally generate and authorize needed SSH keypairs.

WARNING: Concourse requires Linux kernel 3.19+. On Redhat 7, this module will install the ELRepo.org yum repository and upgrade the kernel to the current LTS version. A reboot will likely be necessary once this is done before Concourse beings functioning correctly.

Setup Requirements

This module will not install a database for Concourse. You should pair this module with something like puppetlabs/postgresql to install and configure the database.

You should be familiar with Concourse before configuring it via this module. There are many configuration environment variables that may be set and some are specific to the node being run (web or worker). The best documentation of these variables is via the cli:

  $ concourse --help
  $ concourse web --help
  $ concourse worker --help

Beginning with concourse

Including the class will install and configure a standalone Concourse server (web and worker) with a default "quickstart" configuration.

  include concourse


Example: Install Postgresql 9.6 (via puppetlabs/postgresql) and a standalone Concourse server, with web and a worker running on the same machine:

  class { '::postgresql::globals': version => '9.6' }

  class { '::postgresql::server': }

  postgresql::server::db { 'concourse':
    user     => 'concourse',
    password => postgresql_password('concourse', 'changeme'),

  class { '::concourse':
    node_type    => 'standalone',
    version      => '4.2.1',
    environment  => {
      'CONCOURSE_EXTERNAL_URL'                 => "http://${facts['fqdn']}:8080",
      'CONCOURSE_WORK_DIR'                     => '/opt/concourse/worker',
      'CONCOURSE_SESSION_SIGNING_KEY'          => '/opt/concourse/session_signing_key',
      'CONCOURSE_TSA_HOST_KEY'                 => '/opt/concourse/tsa_host_key',
      'CONCOURSE_TSA_PUBLIC_KEY'               => '/opt/concourse/tsa_host_key.pub',
      'CONCOURSE_TSA_WORKER_PRIVATE_KEY'       => '/opt/concourse/worker_key',
      'CONCOURSE_TSA_AUTHORIZED_KEYS'          => '/opt/concourse/authorized_worker_keys',
      'CONCOURSE_POSTGRES_USER'                => 'concourse',
      'CONCOURSE_POSTGRES_PASSWORD'            => 'changeme',
      'CONCOURSE_POSTGRES_DATABASE'            => 'concourse',
      'CONCOURSE_ADD_LOCAL_USER                => 'myuser:mypass',
      'CONCOURSE_MAIN_TEAM_LOCAL_USER'         => 'myuser',
    require      => Postgresql::Server::Db['concourse'],
