
An HTTP server and client library for PureScript

psc-package install payload



Payload is an HTTP server library for PureScript inspired by Rust's Rocket and Haskell's Servant. Here is a complete Payload application:

type Message = 
  { id :: Int
  , text :: String }

spec :: Spec {
  getMessages :: GET "/users/<id>/messages?limit=<limit>" {
    params :: { id :: Int },
    query :: { limit :: Int },
    response :: Array Message
spec = Spec

api = { getMessages }

getMessages :: { id :: Int, limit :: Int } -> Aff (Array Message)
getMessages { id, limit } = pure
  [{ id: 1, text: "Hey there"}, { id: 2, text: "Limit " <> show limit }]

main = Payload.launch spec api

The basic idea: write one API spec. Write handlers as functions returning data. Get for free:

  • Server routing
  • Decoding URL parameters, query parameters, request bodies into typed values
  • Encoding server responses
  • Client functions for calling the API

It's like OpenAPI/Swagger, but without the boilerplate and monstrous code generation. If your handlers don't match your spec, the code won't compile, so the server stays in sync with the spec.

The above example and more can be found in the examples directory.

The library is in flux and will likely have API breaking changes.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Install Payload:

bower install purescript-payload

Then copy the above example, peek at other examples, or read the docs below.



Here is a simple spec:

spec :: Spec {
  getUser :: GET "/users/<id>" {
    params :: { id :: Int },
    response :: User
spec = Spec

type User =
  { id :: Int
  , name :: String }

GET "/users/<id>" is a type-level string that says we have a GET endpoint with a URL parameter named id. The type of id is defined below it as an Int. The endpoint returns a User, with type as defined below.

When the Payload server is run, you provide handlers corresponding to each endpoint defined in the API spec. For the above example, you might run it like so:

api = { getUser: getUser }

getUser :: { id :: Int } -> Aff User
getUser { id, limit } = pure { id: 1, name: "whodunnit"}

main = Payload.launch spec api

The name of the endpoint in the spec, getMessages, must correspond to the name of the handler provided in the record of handlers. Notice that the handler is just a function, taking in a Record with an id field of type Int. URL parameters, query parameters, and bodies are automatically decoded into typed values. The returned User value is also automatically encoded to JSON.

Specs can also be hierarchical, as you can see in this larger example.


The route you define in the API spec tells what must be true about a request for the route's handler to be called. Based on your route spec, Payload will automatically validate:

  • Method and path
  • Typed URL parameters
  • Typed request body
  • Typed query strings
  • User-defined validations ("guards")


Server handlers can return any response that implements ToSpecResponse and EncodeResponse, including arbitrary JSON responses via the purescript-simple-json library. Returning any of the following types will return status 200 with appropriate headers added:

  • Empty (empty body)
  • String
  • Stream
  • Array (returns JSON)
  • Record (returns JSON)
  • Json (returns JSON)

Payload validates at compile time that handler responses match the type you specified in your API spec. Responses match by either being exactly the type in the spec, or by being convertable to that type via the ToSpecResponse type class.

What other responses can be converted to spec responses?

To modify the status or headers, handlers can return a Response, which is a wrapper around a record with status and headers fields. There are various helpers in the Response module for creating and modifying responses.

To return an error, handlers can return Either error val, where error can be any encodable value. By default any arbitrary encodable value can be returned as an error with status 500 Internal Server Error, or arbitrary responses can be returned with the Response type. Error responses are not represented in the API spec and do not need to match the spec.


Payload has a concept of request guards borrowed from the Rust Rocket library. A request guard is a function that is called before the handler is called that returns an arbitrary value that the handler function receives. It can also error or forward, in which case the handler is never called.

For example, this spec defines two guards. The /admin endpoint will only be called if an AdminUser can be produced by the guard from the request. Similarly the /user endpoint will only be called if a User can be obtained from the request. This provides a compile-time guarantee that handlers will only be called with authenticated requests.

spec :: Spec
  { guards ::
    { user :: User
    , adminUser :: AdminUser }
  , routes ::
    { adminIndex :: GET "/admin"
        { guards :: Guards ("adminUser" : Nil)
        , response :: String }
    , userIndex :: GET "/user"
        { guards :: Guards ("user" : Nil)
        , response :: String }
    , unauthenticatedIndex :: GET "/"
        { response :: String }}}
spec = Spec

The request guard itself is defined as a function:

getAdminUser :: HTTP.Request -> Aff (Either Resp.Failure AdminUser)
getAdminUser req = do
  headers <- Guards.headers req
  case Headers.lookup "Authorization" headers of
    (Just "Token secret") -> pure (Right (AdminUser { id: 1, name: "John Admin" }))
    _ -> pure (Left (Resp.Forward "Not an admin"))

and passed in to the server by starting the server with startGuarded:

main = do
  let guards = { adminUser: getAdminUser, user: getUser }
  let handlers = { adminIndex, userIndex, unauthenticatedIndex }
  Payload.launch spec { handlers, guards }

API specs can also be hierarchical and guards can be applied to all endpoints below them in the hierarchy. For an example of this see the Movies API Example

API Documentation

API documentation can be found on Pursuit.


The hello world example and more can be found in the examples directory. The examples are built and run as part of the project tests.


  • Install Node.js.
  • Install project dependencies:
npm install
npx --no-install bower update --force-latest

Build library:

npm run build

Run tests:

npm test