
Simple message queue based on `Redis` and insipired by Python hotqueue

psc-package install redis-hotqueue



Really simple message queue based on Redis and inspired by Python hotqueue.

Queue type

Hotqueue provides this simple API:

type Hotqueue m a =
  { bGet  m (Either e a)
  , clear  m Unit
  , get  m (Maybe (Either e a))
  , key  String
  , put  a  m Unit
  , snapshot  m (Array a)

where bGet is a blocking get and get is non blocking.

Its Redis based implementation for data which are JSON serializable has this constructor:

    a eff m
  . MonadAff (redisREDIS | eff) m
   WriteForeign a
   ReadForeign a
   Hotqueue m MultipleErrors a


This guide is a literate Purescript file which is compiled into testing module so it is a little verbose.

Let's start with boring stuff - imports.

module Test.Integration where

import Prelude

import Control.Monad.Aff (bracket, launchAff)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Class (liftEff)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Posix.Signal (Signal(..))
import Database.Redis as Redis
import Database.Redis.Hotqueue (Hotqueue, hotqueueJson, workLoop)
import Node.ChildProcess as ChildProcess
import Test.Unit.Assert (assert)

Now let's define our testing environment.

redisPort = 43218
redisConfig = Redis.defaultConfig { port = redisPort }
inQueue = "test:input"
outQueue = "test:output"

Finally we are ready to define our worker. It fetches Ints from input queue, multiplies them by 8 and pushes the result to the output queue.

Sometimes you have to help compiler and provide type annotation for message type (i ∷ Hotqueue _ _ Int in this example).

worker = launchAff $ Redis.withConnection redisConfig $ \conn → do
    (i  Hotqueue _ _ Int) = hotqueueJson conn inQueue
    o = hotqueueJson conn outQueue
  void $ workLoop i \a → do
    case a of
      Right a' → o.put (a' * 8)
      Left _ → pure unit

Here is our test which verifies if worker done his job.

multiplyTest =
  Redis.withConnection redisConfig \conn → do
      i = hotqueueJson conn inQueue
      (o  Hotqueue _ _ Int) = hotqueueJson conn outQueue
      args = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

    for_ args \n → do
      void $ i.put n

    for_ args \n → do
      x ← o.bGet
      assert "Result has been correctly calculated" (x == Right (n * 8))

Helpers which spawn Redis server and worker processes and cleanup them afterwards. Worker is just a node process run against one-liner which executes our function.

withChild cmd args f = bracket spawn kill f
  spawn = liftEff $ ChildProcess.spawn cmd args ChildProcess.defaultSpawnOptions
  kill = void <<< liftEff <<< ChildProcess.kill SIGABRT

withWorker f =
  withChild "node" ["-e", "require('./output/Test.Integration/index.js').worker()"] (const f)

withRedis f =
  withChild "redis-server" ["--port", show redisPort] (const f)

Now we are ready to start Redis server, run the worker and run testing scenario.

main = launchAff $ do
  withRedis $
    withWorker $

Let's check if we can reverse the order and start worker first and later run Redis server. If this works let's restart Redis server and check if worker still works after that.

  withWorker $ do
    withRedis $

    withRedis $