
A Python preprocessor

preprocessor, lambda, amplipy
pip install AmpliPy==1.1


AmpliPy - Accelerated Python

AmpliPy is a Python preprocessor written in Python that aims to make Python code faster to write and easier to read. It introduces lots of helpful new blocks, statements and syntax.

How do I use it?

Write your .apy file, then run the amplipy command with your input file.

amplipy program.apy

This outputs a file with the same name into the same directory, but with the .py extension.

What syntax does it introduce?

Pattern matching

Many languages have a match or switch construct, which is like an extended chain of elif statements. In some languages, there is a "wildcard" syntax too, allowing some parts of the input to be ignored.

This kind of block is now available in AmpliPy, and often looks much prettier than a chain of elifs - just like Python code should. Turn this:

if result[0] == 0:
  print("First result is 0")
elif result[1] == 0:
  print("Second result is 0")
  print("Neither result is 0")

Into this:

match result:
  case (0, ...):
    print("First result is 0")
  case (..., 0):
    print("Second result is 0")
  case ...:
    print("Neither result is 0")

These match and case statements are incredibly powerful and work with a wide range of different data types. Check out the wiki!

Shorthand lambdas

The lambda syntax for Python is quite long compared to other languages and looks ugly:

lambda x: x + 1

As an alternative, AmpliPy introduces the shorthand lambda syntax. This is composed by a single-item set containing a bitwise OR; after all, AmpliPy uses valid Python 3 syntax:

{x | x + 1} # Produces `lambda x: x + 1`
{_ | foo()} # Produces `lambda: foo()`
{(x, y, z) | x + y + z} # Produces `lambda x, y, z: x + y + z`


Let's say you want to make 3 empty lists, a, b and c. How many times have you fallen into this notorious trap?

>>> a = b = c = []
>>> a.append("Foo")
>>> b

When you change one, it changes all the others too! That's because they're all referencing the same object, as a is b is c.

But no more! With AmpliPy, you can avoid headaches and use a simple syntax to do exactly what you wanted to:

a, b, c = [], ...

Simple ranges

Haskell has a very pretty way of writing ranges:

Prelude> [2, 4..10]
Prelude> [1..10]

What if you could do that in Python? With AmpliPy, you can!

[2, 4, ..., 10] # Produces `range(2, 11, 2)`
[1, ..., 10] # Produces `range(1, 11)` (WIP)

The range calculation happens at runtime, so it even works with variables.

[a, b, ..., c] #Produces `range(a, c + (b - a), b - a)`