
Create JSON:API and Admin Web App from database, with LogicBank -- 40X more concise, Python for extensibility.

Flask, SQLAlchemy, Rules, WebApp, Microservice, ReactAdmin, Angular, api, automation, declarative-programming, kafka, python, web-app
pip install ApiLogicServer==10.3.80


Downloads Latest Version Supported Python versions




If you have a supported Python (version 3.8-3.12), install is standard, typically:

python3 -m venv venv                 # windows: python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate             # windows: venv\Scripts\activate
python -m pip install ApiLogicServer

Now, verify it's working - create and run the demo:

ApiLogicServer create --project-name=sample_ai --db-url=sqlite:///sample_ai.sqlite
code sample_ai

Find the user documentation here. Use this for normal installation, to create and customize API Logic Projects.

To install the dev version, see here. This installs the source of API Logic Server, so you can explore or extend it.


Welcome to API Logic Server - Source

For Developers and their organizations seeking to increase business agility,

API Logic Server provides Microservice Automation: create executable projects with 1 command:

  1. API Automation: crud for each table, with pagination, optimistic locking, filtering and sorting, and

  2. App Automation: a multi-page, multi-table Admin App.

Customize in your IDE: use standard tools (Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, GitHub and Docker), plus

  1. Logic Automation: unique rules - 40X more concise multi-table derivations and constraints.

Unlike frameworks, weeks-to-months of complex development is no longer necessary.
API Logic Server provides unique automation for instant integrations and app backends.


For more information, including install procedures, please see the docs.

Making Contributions

This is an open source project. We are open to suggestions. Some of our ideas include:

Component Provides Consider Adding
1. JSON:API and Swagger API Execution Serverless, Kubernetes
2. Transactional Logic Rule Enforcement New rule types
3. This project API Logic Project Creation General support - see issues