
Python wrapper for CDK molecular descriptors and fingerprints

Chemistry, Development, Kit, molecular, descriptors, fingerprints, cheminformatics, QSAR
pip install CDK-pywrapper==0.0.1.post1


License: MIT

CDK Python wrapper

Python wrapper to ease the calculation of CDK molecular descriptors and fingerprints.


From source:

git clone
pip install ./CDK_pywrapper

with pip:

pip install CDK-pywrapper

Get started

from CDK_pywrapper import CDK
from rdkit import Chem

smiles_list = [
  # erlotinib
  # midecamycin
  # selenofolate
  # cisplatin
mols = [Chem.AddHs(Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)) for smiles in smiles_list]

cdk = CDK()

The above calculates 222 molecular descriptors (23 1D and 200 2D).

The additional 65 three-dimensional (3D) descriptors may be obtained with the following: :warning: Molecules are required to have conformers for 3D descriptors to be calculated.

from rdkit.Chem import AllChem

for mol in mols:
    _ = AllChem.EmbedMolecule(mol)

cdk = CDK(ignore_3D=False)

To obtain molecular fingerprint, one can used the following:

from CDK_pywrapper import CDK, FPType
cdk = CDK(fingerprint=.PubchemFP)

The following fingerprints can be calculated:

FPType Fingerprint name
FP CDK fingerprint
ExtFP Extended CDK fingerprint (includes 25 bits for ring features and isotopic masses)
EStateFP Electrotopological state fingerprint (79 bits)
GraphFP CDK fingerprinter ignoring bond orders
MACCSFP Public MACCS fingerprint
PubchemFP PubChem substructure fingerprint
SubFP Fingerprint describing 307 substructures
KRFP Klekota-Roth fingerprint
AP2DFP Atom pair 2D fingerprint as implemented in PaDEL
HybridFP CDK fingerprint ignoring aromaticity
LingoFP LINGO fingerprint
SPFP Fingerprint based on the shortest paths between two atoms
SigFP Signature fingerprint
CircFP Circular fingerprint


class CDK(ignore_3D=True, fingerprint=None, nbits=1024, depth=6):

Constructor of a CDK calculator for molecular descriptors or fingerprints


  • ignore_3D : bool Should 3D molecular descriptors be calculated (default: False). Ignored if a fingerprint is set.
  • fingerprint : FPType
    Type of fingerprint to calculate (default: None). If None, calculate descriptors.
  • nbits : int
    Number of bits in the fingerprint.
  • depth : int
    Depth of the fingerprint.

```python def calculate(mols, show_banner=True, njobs=1, chunksize=1000): ```

Default method to calculate CDK molecular descriptors and fingerprints.


  • mols : Iterable[Chem.Mol]
    RDKit molecule objects for which to obtain CDK descriptors.
  • show_banner : bool
    Displays default notice about CDK.
  • njobs : int
    Maximum number of simultaneous processes.
  • chunksize : int
    Maximum number of molecules each process is charged of.