
A complex to do list tool

pip install ComplexTDL==1.0.4




A Python-based to do list tool that you can use to:

  • Sort out your tasks during a certain period of time
  • Generating weekly and monthly work report
  • Do some simple team task management

The main features include

  • Support basic information such as task title, task status, task time, etc.
  • Supports a variety of advanced settings:
    • Support customizing the modules (list)
    • Supporting Tasks that is across many days
    • Support priority customization
    • Supporting subtasks and related logic
    • Support assigning the task to different people
  • Convenient operation
    • Keyboard operation without mouse
    • Batch operations
  • Support task list export and report generation
    • support filtering task as you wish
    • custom time
    • support many export formats, including markdown list or form, excel etc.
  • Based on TinyDB, so no DB software is needed

This project does not provide a graphical interface for the time being. It is recommended to use the following methods:

  • Combining efficiency tool like Alfred
  • Run with Django
  • Direct Use through the command line
  • Make your own graphical interface


You can use pip to install:

pip install ComplexTDL

Or you can clone from git, you need to install the following dependency:

pip install openpyxl, pyperclip, tinydb

Quick Start

The project provides command-line tools to support direct command-line use

# Complete some configuration
tdl_set -h # View related configuration assistance

# Add or edit tasks
tdl_modify -h # View the help related to adding or editing tasks

# View tasks or generate reports
tdl_report -h # View help related to viewing tasks or generating reports

API Description

You can import the libraries and writing your own applications. You can also see the source files for reference.

ComplexTDL.Settings Module

Some settings for ComplexTDL.

Function Description
ShowJobModules() Display the module (list) information
SetTaskNumber(number) Set the starting number of the task list

ComplexTDL.Task Module

For insert, update, delete tasks.

Function Description
DeleteRecord(formData) formData is a dictionary; formData['no'] is the task number to be deleted
UpdateData(formDataF) Insert or update a task, formDataF is a dictionary, refer to the analysis of the task structure below

''' the structure of task

no Number mo Module / Group / List ti Title de Description and Update st Start time en End time or Check time ra Completion rate, -1 for pause pa Parent task number pe person in charge pr priority '''

ComplexTDL.Report Module

Used to generate task lists and reports

Function Description
Report(period = 'this week', range = 'todo', person = 'me', deadline = False, conditions = None, detail = 'some', sort = 'module') To generate a specific report, refer to the help information in the source file
Search(args�) Custom conditions to filter and query the task, see the source file for help information
GenerateMD(taskList, format = 'md list') Generate md and copy it to the clipboard, the format can be 'md list' (list), 'md list no' (list with task number), 'md table' (table)
GenerateExcel(taskList, filePath=os.curdir, fileName='report', showParent=False) Generates excel tables, filePath for the store path, fileName for the fileName, and use showParent to determine whether to display the parent task number