Asynchronous Python Wrapper for the Bungie API

bungie, destiny, async, wrapper, api
pip install Destipy==0.1.16



This is a asynchronous Python Wrapper around the Bungie API. It allows one to send requests to all given endpoints of the Bungie API seen in their Bungie.Net API Documentation.


  • The endpoints are parsed from the API documentation and are therefore not tested, some of them might not work or are missing parameters due to inconsistencies in the documentation.
  • Some of the code is inspired or taken from pydest and aiobungie so check them out!


  • Every endpoint in the documentation is implemented, POST and GET.
  • Download and Extraction of the manifest to a .content file.
  • Download and Extraction of the manifest to a MongoDB database (COMING SOON).
  • Logging with own logger or with the default logger by adding a file "logs/Destipy.log" ('logs' being a folder) in the root folder.


Here are a few examples:


  • aiohttp

Install Destipy:

pip install Destipy

In you project you can use it as a simple client without authentication by initialize a client with your Api Key like this:

from destipy.destiny_client import DestinyClient

client = DestinyClient(<API_KEY>)
user = await client.user.GetBungieNetUserById(<MEMBERSHIP_ID>)

If you plan on using a specific category of endpoints multiple times you can also use the endpoint category itself as a class:

from destipy.destiny_client import DestinyClient

client = DestinyClient(<API_KEY>)
user_endpoints = client.user
user = await user_endpoints.GetBungieNetUserById(<MEMBERSHIP_ID>)


Discord: sedam79