
Quickly help user to build DevIot Gateway service

Gateway, DevIot, Cisco
pip install DevIoTGateway==2.1


DevIoT Gateway Python SDK

This is DevIoT gateway service SDK and sample codes. You can use this SDK to register sensors to DevIoT, and sync up data and actions between the sensors and DevIoT.

Table of contents

What in this code

  1. DevIotGateway folder: The SDK python source code

  2. : A simple sample to show how to use this SDK, which sync up grove light sensor data to DevIot, it also let DevIo trigger grove Led sensor

  3. A simple sample to show how to use this SDK, which sync up some virtual sensor data to DevIot, it also let DevIot can trigger some virtual action sensor


1.Python2.7:This SDK base on the Python 2.7.10

2.paho-mqtt: this SDK use this to build a simple MQTT client


  1. You can use sample code to register GrovePi sensors and simulated sensors to DevIoT.

  2. You can also use SDK to register other sensors and systems to DevIoT.



This class allow your instance a Gateway app, hepe you register sensors to DevIot, sync up data and action to DevIot.


  • app name: the gateway name, DevIot use it differentiates gateways
  • deviot address: the address of DevIot, should include the port
  • mq server: gateway use mqtt protocol to communicate with DevIot, you can ask the your DevIot administrator to get it, it also should include the port
  • DevIot account: you DevIot account, you also can use empty string, it will let all account get the data of your gateway

    # the parameters are: app name, deviot address, mq server address, deviot account
    app = Gateway("grovepi_test", "", "", "")

Register Data Sensors

  • sensor kind: the kind of sensor, it describes your sensor's function
  • sensor id: the unique id of sensor
  • sensor name: the display name in DevIot of the sensor

    # the parameters are: sensor kind, sensor id, sensor display name, action call back function
    app.register_action("led", "groveled", "GroveLed", trigger_grove_led)

Register Action Sensors

  • sensor kind: the kind of sensor, it describes your sensor's function
  • sensor id: the unique id of sensor
  • sensor name: the display name in DevIot of the sensor
  • action callback function: when DevIot trigger this action sensor, this function will be call

    # turn on/off the led when receive action from DevIot
    # action name will be 'on' or 'off'
    def trigger_grove_led(action):
        print('led get action:' +
        if == 'on':
            grovepi.digitalWrite(led, 1)
            grovepi.digitalWrite(led, 0)
    # the parameters are: sensor kind, sensor id, sensor display name, action call back function
    app.register_action("led", "groveled", "GroveLed", trigger_grove_led)

Start the Gateway

    # run service

The run method will let gateway start a background thread to register sensors and sync up data and action

Update the Sensor Data

  • sensor id: the unique id of sensor
  • sensor value: the new value of data sensor

    app.set_value("grovelight", 50.0f)

How to run

Build the hardware

1.Prepare your RaspberryPi os environment in your SD card

  • Download the OS for RaspberryPi form hereRASPBIAN JESSIE

  • Format you SD card

  • Use window install the OS image to the SD card. you can use Win32 Disk Manager do this I strongly recommend you do this use windows, i have met many issues when i installed it by mac os

  • Attach the SD card to the RaspberryPi

You also can do this follow here

2.Join the GrovePi with RaspberryPi. if you correct, it should be like this

3.Connect RaspberryPi with the power and network.

4.Connect RaspberryPi with Display use the HDMI cables.

Build the software environment

5.Install the Python 2.7. Check the python version of RaspberryPi os. this sample code base on python2.7.3 or later. in most time, the RaspberryPi os have installed the python2.7.3 or later, if not, you can install the python follow here

6.Install GrovePi SDK.

Your SD card now has what it needs to start using the GrovePi! Here is info more about install GrovePi SDK

Run Grove Pi sample

  • Cd to your work space in terminal window
  • Type follow command:


Getting help

If you have questions, concerns, bug reports, etc, please file an issue in this repository's Issue Tracker

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Open source licensing info


Credits and references
